Monday, December 15, 2008

Business Meeting

I bought too much books today at the 英会話 stand of Sanseido in Tokyo. I skipped a rather new 単語 book choked full with 10,000 words (they don't call it a dictionary yet). But I could not put down the book ビジネス・ミーティング すぐに使える英語表現集. I have seen over time books covering the issue of doing presentations in English, but this one extends the scope of presentation to cover the whole standard business meeting chronology, from mike testing to "thank you and goodbye". It is very exhaustive - mike testing alone comes in 9 variations. It also soundS very much real. The attached CDs covers the English part only - unfortunately for advanced learners of Japanese, but alternate usage like interpreting into Japanese usually short sentences is the first obvious unplanned exploitation of the book.


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