Friday, December 19, 2008

Follow-up on Curriculum

This is a follow-up on my previous post with remarks and questions in no special order. As the curriculum is geared at simul students, it is supposed that they have a very high level in their B and C languages competence, so much that courses to improve B, C language competency is not part of the curriculum. An alternate curriculum for not perfectly fluent students or practicing interpreters must actively take into account the absolute need to improve competences at A, B, C languages with a systematic approach. There is a reference to "easy speeches" as materials for progressive acquisition of interpreting techniques. I am not aware of "easy speeches" material for Japanese (there are news material in French with limited vocabulary just like what the BBC offers). Is the Nihongo Journal dead by the way? I never read this magazine but just thinking about it, I could not find recent reference about. In any case, securing easy material could open up interesting approaches, including stepping into simul. To be continued ...


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