Monday, March 9, 2009

Home made self-training content

Alessio Iacovoni on his blog ushers in a simultaneous self-training environment demo apparently built upon an open source educational content development platform. Nimble trainers will weave up a collection of training material they will not even carry to the classroom because it will all be located somewhere on a server. What is required from now on is to devise standard training exercises patterns that reflect the needs of trainees based on their level: beginners, intermediate, advanced. Consecutive should not be forgotten too. And the fact that - at least here in Japan - introduction to interpretation courses are a didactic way to beef up B (and A!) language competence of trainees not especially aiming at the profession, but wanting to reach a higher level of language capacity, the introductory self-training segment supported by serious "how to" content should be kept in view of the back mirror from day one.


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