Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The magic phrase

"I found you on google searching for japanese translators." This is the magic phrase and the single axis of strategy to find assignments I am confident about. It all comes down to this phrase. I was thrilled this morning reading this sentence, crossing fingers. It is a rare proof these days that the strategy is tangible. The bet has always been that a growing number of corporations, mostly SMEs doing business with Japan remote, will source interpreters locally searching. They don't care about nationality. The pace at which the magic phrase was appearing on the screen the past years has been on the increase. It never was a tsunami, but on the increase it was, definitely. Sometimes around the last months of last year, nothing blinked on the green radar screen. There was no need to read the Wall Street Journal to understand that something nasty was brewing. Getting the magic phrase is one thing, getting the assignment is another challenge. Fees, readiness and how you are perceived based on your web site and the style of answer you deliver. It's never cooked in advance but this morning at least, the magic phrase popped up on the screen and it has been a while. It's a tiny signal that the strategy makes sense and will grow making sense I hope.


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