Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Pre-assignment Preparation and Research question

Exactly what I want to read about now. Found in the program of the ATA 48th Annual Conference.

"That Crucial First Step: Pre-assignment Preparation and Research
Kelly A. Gomes
Saturday, 8:00-9:30am - All Levels

While some interpreters have been known to bemoan the need to prepare before an assignment, others are sometimes at a loss as to how to proceed. We will examine why pre-assignment research and preparation is so important to ensuring quality interpreting (particularly with regard to mental processing capacity). Tips and strategies for each component of preparation will then be discussed. Areas of focus will include creating and maintaining glossaries, optimizing online research, practicing with extemporaneous speeches, and "morning of" warm-up exercises. The session will also include a short discussion on longer-term terminology and background knowledge research."

Something to read here as well.

Are there systematized approaches to preparation in the age of Wikipedia? Is glossary building the ultimate neck?


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