Sunday, May 17, 2009

Wonderful stuffs

Wonderful stuffs over iTuneU in foreign languages. Japanese is the poor guy in the bunch (OK, OK, there's not even a molecule of Italian there). Found some good French interviews to use in the course. Thinking of Japanese, I had a big chance thanks to Prof. T. yesterday to meet the boss of a famous press corp here in Tokyo specialized in Japanese learning material for foreigners. Cognocenti will easily guess the name. Unsurprisingly, I heard not pretty things about the state of Japanese teaching in French universities, ivory towers, poor level teachers, inadequacies of learning manuals and other details that give a not so fine blurred picture into that far away mess. It reminded me when Prof. M. a few years ago questioned the state of Japanese studies in France by sheepishly summarizing it with "we don't have a clue!". Waiting to hear and talk more at a possible further meeting.


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