Sunday, June 7, 2009

Vocab on a roll

I won't register and pay for VocabSushi, but it's an interesting service and a big hint at the future : vocabulary learning in context with audio and examples pulled out of articles online, and a set of tailoring functions to ones need. Heavy localization would be needed for the Japanese market where learners have been raised from day 1 to fear learning English with and in and out of English only. Advanced level books on English in this country are each time a proof of how bizarre this attachment to English as seen from the Japanese deforming lens can be. In order to extend scope of buyers, advanced learners books are as much larded with Japanese, including translation of anything, as beginners book. But VocaSushi turned into a comparative service, bilingual on purpose - Japanese and English, etc, with parallel extracts of contextual content in both languages could be an interesting value proposal.


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