Monday, June 1, 2009

記事トレ! when second hand

I bumped onto this book the other day at Sanseido. 記事トレ!It's a business self-help book and I cringe at business self-help books. But the intro message stroke a chord. It was not a lame "How to read the Nikkei newspaper" but "how to make the best out of it". The book is about visual thinking strategy using Nikkei articles in order to scoop insight and business idea. But it is also in a sense a way at scanning articles that might be interesting for .... sight translation!

But no, I won't shell out ¥1400 for that thin flimsy cheap print book. The second hand market is already open at and my max bid is 500 yens. Whatever it is, the value proposition of how to make the best usage of ... is a potent one, especially when you think about the dire situation of newspaper, elsewhere as in Japan.


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