Saturday, July 18, 2009

The art of getting ready

This sounds redundant and it is aimed at it. Finally, by the end of the day, in such circumstances where the market I know wants you to perform in any situation, even in the thickest, uninformed, unprepared ones, the single competence to nurture, to ponder, to fine tune, to record, to split the hairs of, to massage deep in the skin, to raise to an art, apparently as it must dealt with as a set of technics, strategies, the single edge to build and maintain is nothing but the art of getting ready. "Sonny, you speak the language don't you?" They slyly or worse, genuinely you can deliver at the snap of the finger about LED backlight units, knowing you have had some for breakfast. Don't you? I am reminded of the LinkedIn crowd translation scandal - a sly version of : "Sonny, you can do it for free don't you? You'll get a lollypop, exclusive!". There is no work around. You won't persuade the buyer, the intermediary of your service that preparation time and the money that should but doesn't come with it would benefit anyone, starting from the end user of interpretation : das Klient! They won't buy into it, they know they will find someone, anyone else ready to raise hands and accept for viler price to deliver, something. Are you knowledgeable in thin film PV cells, the whole gamut of it down to the speaks of lab researchers? You bet I am! Just give me a few hours to get the big picture, but would you be so kind as to pay my time getting elements of that big picture? More than ever from now on, besides the possibility to simply quit this profession, the single center of interest must be the art of getting ready under any circumstances.


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