Monday, January 18, 2010

Not leaving a call unanswered

I hate simply declining a job offer and not point the service buyer to someone I know who may provide it. It sounds trite and lame and who cares, but passing around jobs is less a matter of altruism, and more a strategic approach to create and develop a professional dynamics. Unfortunately, I don't know a lot of people in that industry, and even less I can easily cooptate based on the trust that the reverse service could happen. On top of that, allowing services to be delivered direct, without the too often useless intermediary of an agent is a kind of small victory each time. The interesting part of the request I passed along is that it was about simul interpretation which I do not provide. There is still very well entrenched the perspective that simul must be dealt with through an agent, but many examples I have heard about tell me another story. Not leaving a call unanswered, even if that crumb doesn't feed me any tangible benefit, is a strategic move not to let go down.


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