Thursday, January 14, 2010

Slowing down shadowing and the consequence of it

What is the point to do shadowing when you don't work in simultaneous? I pushed sideway the training for months, and when trying and get back at it these days, it shows how shadowing is an intense business you quickly get alien to once you pull back for a while. It is also the opportunity to reassess the value of slowdowning software I used to rely upon for a few months some years ago, before switching to real speed mode. Amazing X is by no means better on Mac than Audiolobe. Audiolobe has a sexier interface but poor control. Amazing X window is boring but functions are easier to use.

I still have to answer the question I asked a the beginning of this article. Shadowing is for tensing the muscle, sharpen the prosody, and focus more on the meaning. Directly, it does not benefit consec in a tangible way, but sharpness and rebound competence, especially being able to accelerate when requested by the situation benefit from sustained shadowing. Neurons pretty get dull after a time once you quit doing it. You start getting fatter, that is, duller to some extend. That's why I am progressively back at it.


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