Today, I was forwarded a job recruit announcement for a French interpreter. The forwarded mail was clear enough, at least to me. It read フランス語通訳を探しています!, with an exclamation point. It means what it means : Looking for a French interpreter.
I was however shocked although not surprised at the condition that read :
【条件】 男性/年齢不問/日本人またはフランス語と日本語が堪能な外国人
It means : Male, any age, Japanese national or a foreigner fluent at French and Japanese
When I show this to K. it was clear that we didn't share a view here. She didn't notice the mail header, but commented right away that "they are not looking for an interpreter, just someone who speak the language." I pointed to the header but it didn't change her mind. They were just looking for "someone", and the fees, with pathetic highlight that transportation, food and hotel were provided, was indeed low enough not to entice a professional interpreter, or a professional of anything.
K. did not react at the condition that specified nothing in terms of competence when a Japanese male was concerned, but was specific in terms of competences granted a foreign might apply. A Japanese interpreter was expected to fit the need for a French interpreter, whereas a non-Japanese interpreter had to be warned that double language competence was a requisite. But then, if not after a "real professional", a Japanese native had nothing to be warned about, whereas ... .
There is no ending to this. Let's call the fact that they envisaged to make do with a foreign as a sign of progress.
Technorati Tags: interpretation, interpreter, interpreting, Japan, japanese interpreter, Japanese language, japanese translator, liaison interpreter, liaison interpreting, Tokyo, translation, translator
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