Thursday, April 22, 2010

Japanese serious podcast : more dead than alive

Alps Economist Eye stopped delivering from this month. Sekai Keizai Dial has not been heard for more than a week. That's a long time for a weekly podcast. NRI video podcast stopped broadcasting last year. And the NHK ... ha! the NHK. No podcast in Japanese yet. Who would want to listen to Japanese public radio while commuting in Japan anyway? They changed the design on the NHK news web site. I have a hard time listening to Japanese that is not chatty, not manufactured like junk food, not marred by neverending BGM. The slump is hitting in very tiny corners, including podcast. What is left is the muck of commercial radio sliced in mp3.

But there is hope. I knew NET-IR had financial report conference calls both in audio and video with PowerPoint documents. I didn't know they also had corporate presentations packaged the same, of course for free. It's a boon, the real thing, real business Japanese live. Not mp3 but it's worth taking the time to merge the documents and use it for everything under the interpretation training roof.

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