Monday, August 30, 2010

Functional glossary management for interpretation

I have a question to myself with no clear answers and no cue. But if you have some answers, you are welcome.

What makes a glossary functional in the perspective of usage for interpretation?

How do you classify items, by various categories, alphabetically, by potential rate of appearance, other? Do you allow for redundancies in glossaries for the sake of ease of quick localization of words and expressions and other strategic purposes?

At what size do you print glossaries? Yes, it sounds lame, but that's where you learn tricks, by asking lame questions.

What does a "practical glossary for interpretation" looks like? Copies, pictures, snippets, something anyone?

I am very bad at managing glossaries and the the dry recommendation to build glossaries as you can read around is unhelpful, and the more you think about it, hopelessly useless unless it comes with examples of best practices. There are solid stuff around note-taking, but what about glossary making?


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