The world is not flat. Fees as well are not flat. Let me put things straight here. The inquiries usually come from East-Asian countries. Some must be shocked by the fees requested. But you are wrong and blind. Fees are within the market, that is within a scale of reality. The world is not flat, otherwise, you would not consider hiring an interpreter. It is because the world is not flat that interpreters are required at times and in some situations. My guess is that in Japan at least, they are required more times and in many more situations than, let's say, Europe and wherever English or advanced Globish suffice. They are underused.
Cost of living still differs among countries, and your surprise, usually translated into silence, is just the proof that you are blind to the fact that the world is not flat. Too much Starbucks frappucino and shots of CNN news are blurring you basic facts. That the world and fees are not flat. An inquirer from Sri Lanka had the courtesy to answer back that he would have to report to his board. That's the most blind spot in the whole company and I wish him well. In a sense, Japan is for sale, and thank to the internet, inquiries are growing, with a slew of assumptions pumped by the media into the soft spot of globalization. But you are wrong, that's the simplest thing about it. There is no room for discussion. You don't own the knowledge of my market reality. Your assumption of being right is wrong. Eventually, the market may offer you acceptable conditions, because the market offer is not flat either. It doesn't contradict the least that your perception is blurred by globalization's haze.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Fees and the world are not flat
Posted by
11:10 AM
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