Sunday, December 5, 2010

Unheard of request

In another location on the Internet, someone relayed the request from some French tour agency for an interpreter between Japanese and French, not the coming week, but in one year time. The agency is looking for an interpreter with competences in the art of traditional Japanese gardens, local shrubs and ecosystem. Chances are low that such interpreter be found in Kyoto, but with one year to get ready, and for a two weeks assignment that could turn a yearly request, any interpreter with some aplomb and curiosity has plenty of time to turn knowledgeable and more on these subjects.

It is also unheard to me at least to read about a service request to take place so far into the future. So many things could happen until then, on both sides, including during the coming next five minutes.

But let's imagine a situation where a client requests an interpreter to get knowledgeable and  work on a specific subject for delivering service in the coming X months, with pointers to what to read, listen to and watch. Wouldn't it be simply incredible?


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