Saturday, January 8, 2011


Happy New Years to readers and followers. Concerning the beef in the previous post, the situation is a perfect example of cultural gap that needs to be filed up, that is, taken care of by smoothing the potential misinterpretation. The misinterpretation here refers to the assumption that the listener is culturally unable to cope with direct interpretation without being shocked. The beef culture is of the universal type. It (ideally) practice open arms politics to whoever appreciates things as they must be appreciated : that bloody beef blue. Pitying the meat is an expression to suggest that it tastes better blue than well done. There is arrogance not meant in that way of seeing the world. I would translate by suggesting that it is common to eat it rather blue on these shores and that it may taste better, but I would add that having it well done is not a faux-pas. I would translate back that despite this, "I prefer it well done anyway." (me too!). And it was a little bit dry but delicious well done as well.

Tuxedo? What tuxedo? Or let's put it this way : what about the matter of the interpreter's attire? She must be "invisible", and make sure that her attire is not superior (of better quality!?) than those of the people around. Such was the recommendation recently thrown upon (not from an interpreter).  Is that so?


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