Saturday, February 12, 2011

Interpreter turns moderator

Part of what would be following was largely unscripted, left to the laisser-faire, knack at improvisation of the client's culture. On the opposite side, that is, the Japanese site, prior scripting of what shall take place, must have been fine tuned to a higher degree with deeper briefings. Although I have a relationship with that particular where expectation for me to act way beyond "a mere interpreter" are high, it was the first time that I felt compelled to improvise a role of icebreaker, moderator, funny story tellers, and doing interpretation on top of that. Improvising speeches where the culture of formal speech is strong was no small deal, and the point for next time will be to focus while watching the assembly rather than inwardly. Besides that matter, (most) everything went alright. I was reminded of one or two instances in reports and research papers around and about liaison interpreting, that you should be - in most circumstances - proud about how you did, especially because you dared do it.


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