Friday, March 18, 2011

Fingers as

Although and unfortunately too brief, the stay in Sendai with a rescue team has shown a few obvious, nay, trite things I want to list up here.

- There is no note, no note taking, in windy, at times snowing environment, forget everything about note taking.

- But there is mind note taking for sure. How to take notes with fingers, a future book.

- Is helping the talker better formulate a question the role of the interpreter? I dare say yes. Example.

- Can you provide us with protective sheets?
- Yes, maybe. How many do you need?
- How many do you have have?
 Interpreter suggestion to talker : tell him how many you need, minimum and best situation

This refocusing suggestion - none was rejected by any side - I found essential for the sake of dialog efficiency.

- Rescuers asked a lot, really a lot of questions of any kind about "this country", "these people". You need to have answers, and it doesn't come naturally. Living here is simply not a competence. 

- Rescuers have a mood, a dynamism of their own. I also met with Korean rescuers. There were all immensely sympathetic, caring, positive. It is a good and mentally precious thing to adopt there demeanor if you are somewhat a shy guy. I am but acted as they did and it helped at many levels.  


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