Sunday, March 13, 2011

Going North

Sorry I haven't posted for a while. A few things happened and are still underway in Japan. If you read French, you will understand that the picture refers to the article intro, stating that French nationals living in the Tokyo region are invited to leave. A few minutes later, they modified the title and the story - thanks to the daily Libération - but "le mal est fait". Tokyo is not like this, at least for this time.

We don't watch TV so we are safe of redundancy, or call it loop syndrome. But the reading of personal messages over the radio asking for specific people whereabouts does not leave you untouched. 

In the meantime, all work has vanished or is about to thin out in the atmosphere like a deadly cloud. The only possible work so far is to accompany foreign TV crews. They want to go North. They are scrambling to find "language helpers". Some dare ask for interpreters.  


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