Monday, June 13, 2011

australian identity: HOMELESSNESS

australian identity: HOMELESSNESS

Monday, March 8, 2010
We publish a piece contributed by a lady in the Riverina ( edited for length ). It is for the rights of the ordinary people- that Australia First will fight.

When we scratch away the facts behind what we call homelessness, we can see an institution and an unsavoury reflection of our contemporary society.

It is wrong to blame people for their circumstances. Some look down their nose of their privilege won by serving the elite; they have their position of power and control. It is not sufficent to wear blinkers and perceive homelessness with a childlike out-of-sight-out-of-mind and do-nothing convenience.

What we see is a certain group of Australians on the scrap heap of society. Out of this fact we have seen an industry emerge that ironically keeps some people in a living. Yes, it's ironic that the emptiness of others, fulfils yet another group. We see the so-called social housing providers, DOH and the like, providing anything but a safety net. Rather they provide yet more social injustice; they play the slumlord overseeing the institution that their housing ghettos have become.

The bureaucrats facilitating this so-called housing for the disadvantaged relish the power and control with sick pleasure. They play with the lives of the downtrodden, and receive a delicious salary to do so. We see the run down boarding houses / unscrupulous private landlords in our communities, fleecing the otherwise-homeless of their meagre pensions.

We see DOCS providing so called care and protection for our youth in dire circumstances. In reality, they further the abuse and neglect. They just warehouse youth until they come of age and they are no longer required to be seen to be providing any care and protection.

Some youth have accepted it is in fact safer on the streets, where they form their own street communities and family, and maybe finally find some empathy and understanding. That would be an indictment of the system itself.

What of the homeless? We see complete lack of empowerment ever increasing in our society. So much for a mans 's home is his castle-if you don't have a castle! This is part of the breakdown of our real social fabric and our identity as Australians.

Years ago programs were run that were actually successful, with low cost homes and loans available to circumvent perpetual homelessness. There was even pride in our social housing communities. Of course all these things are long gone. These were the days when an Australian culture was dominant and these issues and people mattered. What matters now is not the human cost, but the capitalist machine and the globalist agenda.

This agenda further erodes our culture. We step over our brother in the street, rather than consider the institution of homelessness and what goes with it. Do we consider the government agendas that make this reality? Do we wonder how it is possible to re-settle and find housing and services for refugees and invaders, as we deny our own?

If the Australian governments of today can plan for stupid wars, why cannot they plan to bring Australians out of poverty?
Posted by australian identity at 1:31 AM


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