Monday, June 13, 2011

Baltimore Realtor Speaks In Favor of Higher Property Tax for Vacants « Baltimore Slumlord Watch

Baltimore Realtor Speaks In Favor of Higher Property Tax for Vacants « Baltimore Slumlord Watch
If you own property in Baltimore City, clean it up!
Baltimore Realtor Speaks In Favor of Higher Property Tax for Vacants
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In yesterday’s Housingwire, Baltimore realtor Nick Gioia spoke favorably of the proposed higher property tax for uninhabitable vacant homes.

“They’re trying to this to either force people to let go of the property or lend these properties and sell it to someone who’s going to live in it…It’s a good idea if the properties are vacant and boarded up.”

Predictably, Joe DiMaggio, the head of the Baltimore Real Estate Investors Association spoke against the higher tax. Considering he heads an organization that includes the some of the owners of many of Baltimore’s blighted vacant homes, it didn’t come as any surprise that the he doesn’t want to pay the higher tax to the City. Hopefully the higher tax will make some of his members clean up their blighted properties or stop doing business in Baltimore City.

Please don’t forget to email your legislators and tell them to support the higher property tax on vacant uninhabitable homes in Baltimore City (HB1096/SB 889). Make sure our city’s slumlords pay for the damage they’re doing to our communities, and the added burden on City services!




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