Monday, June 13, 2011


Urban Dictionary: pussy whipped
11. pussy whipped 81 up, 26 down
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When your girlfriend pisses you of and makes you sooo mad you can't sleep, but you still pick up her dry cleaning and massage her hands.
She is soo pussy whipped, she does everything she's told.
girlfriend pusse angry mad friend
by lmc2008 Feb 6, 2008 share this

13. pussy whipped 98 up, 51 down
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When the guy gets the last word in with "yes dear", or O.K. honey.
The bottom of your shoes need to be licked clean because you stepped in some dog shit? Yes dear, I'll take care of it right now.
Scott you one balled bitch. Do you get your period at the same time as the other women in the office? All I can think is that she must be one hell of a blow job. Gay men laugh at you.
by Mark Jan 24, 2005 share this

15. pussy whipped 47 up, 7 down
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a word to describe males who are completely dominitated and tied to their female counterpart, the cannot make and decisions or do anything by themselves for the are completely controlled by the girl (aka the pussy)
"dude barret schroeder is so pussy whipped, yet he talks shit about other guys"
"fuckin' a man, like seriously dude, can he go one week without wearing the shirt she got him?"

17. Pussy Whipped 34 up, 2 down
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A man with no balls or backbone that has a super high maintenance girlfriend or wife.

Can't make decisions without asking her and nothing ever goes his way. Most of his friends have disowned him and openly mock him.
Jim - "Yo Jerry, I have tickets for the Browns and Steelers game"

Jerry - "Uh, ah, uh I have to ask Mindy if I can go. Just a minute." Silence then loud screaming in the background.

Jerry - "Sorry, but Mindy wants me to go to the arts and craft show this weekend"

Jim - "You dickless pussy whipped sack of shit. Tell the bitch your going"

Jerry - "I can't do that! You don't understand"

21. pussy whipped 30 up, 5 down
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a condition whereby a male gives up the exclusive use of his nads because a chick gave him some; usually followed by a bullwhip cracking gesture and accompanying sound effects
Dude! You are so whipped!

23. Pussy Whipped 30 up, 10 down
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A guy so infatuated by a woman, or should I say Goddess, that he would eat a yard of her feces just to see where it came from. Once there, begging for seconds.
He’s so pussy whipped that he is just happy she lets him see it.

24. Pussy Whipped 18 up, 3 down
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Fuck all these other definitions, pussy whipped is when you sprung high as hell off the pussy, you desert everything for the pussy and live for the pussy. Pussy so good you willing to take all her shit just to keep it to your self. It is often associated with the effects of crack use. its just so addictive to you, you cant leave it alone. Warning, being called pussy whipped can also mean that you are a bitch nigga.
Boy 1- Ay G you wanna hit up the block later?
Boy 2- Naw i'ma pass my girl want me to plant tulips with her.
Boy 1- Word G? She got you planting flowers and shit?!
Boy 2- Yeah thats my boo.
Boy 1- Nah nigga you just pussy whipped.
*In both sense of the word.
pussy bitch nigga whipped sprung
by KWizzy18 Nov 1, 2008 share this

(There's a job planting tulips for ten bucks an hour!"
Really, where?
On my dick.)


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