Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Human trafficker jailed for trying to sell albino man to Tanzanian witchdoctors | Detroit Free Press | freep.com

Human trafficker jailed for trying to sell albino man to Tanzanian witchdoctors | Detroit Free Press | freep.com
2:23 AM, Aug. 23, 2010 | 4 Comments

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MSNBC: "A Kenyan man has been sentenced to nine years in prison for trying to sell an albino man to witchdoctors in Tanzania ... he pleaded guilty to charges of human trafficking and abduction with intention to sell an albino man, also Kenyan, for 400 million Tanzanian shillings ($263,000).

At least 53 albinos have been killed since 2007 in the east African nation ... The victims' blood and body parts are used for potions. Witchdoctors tell their clients that the body parts will bring them luck in love, life and business."

...The Tanzania Albino Society fears there could be a new wave of killings ... It is common for some politicians to visit witchdoctors during elections in belief that their powers will boost their chances of victory."

Eric says: This is like everything crazy about politics, religion, and skin color all jammed into one story. Thanks for sending this in goes to my BFF (Bizarre Fact Finder) Christine E. You can send your tips to eamillikin@freepress.com

7:10 AM on August 23, 2010
In keeping with the Freep's strange logic we can communicate with this Eric person but not with Rochelle Riley. Very odd to say the least.
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7:34 AM on August 23, 2010
Yet blacks in America rant about race relations here. Slavery still exists in Africa.

(SO? Because it exists in AFRICA, blacks in AMERICA should not mind being discriminated against? what kind of an idiot thing to say is that. There's NOTHING less relevent, practically, that this inaliberalworld could have said! The stupidity of people can be amazing.)


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