Monday, June 13, 2011

Inquiry launched into slavery in the UK | Law | The Observer

Inquiry launched into slavery in the UK | Law | The Observer
'Charity' from Africa, a 21st-century victim of human trafficking. Photograph: Graham Turner for the Guardian

A major inquiry into human trafficking will be launched this week amid claims that slavery remains as much of a problem in modern Britain as when it was abolished more than 200 years ago.

The Centre for Social Justice is to announce a 15-month investigation into the issue following concerns over a lack of political will, policing resources, low prosecution rates and flaws within the government system for identifying trafficked victims.

The inquiry aims to put forward a series of recommendations on how the UK could embrace a more effective strategy to tackle modern slavery.

The work and pensions secretary, Iain Duncan Smith, speaking in his capacity as chairman of the cabinet's social justice committee, will articulate the importance of tackling what remains one of the country's least understood crimes.

Among the investigation's aims will be to establish the scale of human trafficking and slavery in Britain. Between April 2009 and March last year, 706 potential victims of slavery were formally identified in the UK. Up to 18,000 women and children are also believed to have been trafficked into the UK and forced to work as prostitutes.

Gavin Poole, executive director of the CSJ, said: "Many people think slavery was abolished on the high seas by the Royal Navy 200 years ago. It wasn't. It is just as much of a problem today."


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