Monday, June 13, 2011 Beaver Ave The landlord rating website
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
Marvin Gardens 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Save yourself the time and hassle from renting from this guy. Definitely a slumlord, not a landlord. If you like mold and mildew coming under your carpets and rain coming down in the kitchen along with sewage coming up from the floor then this is the place for you. The landlord is a greedy money hoarding guy who shows little if any regard towards his tenants, shady business practices and the like. Not to mention his places are overpriced. However don't just take my word for it, the link below should be a fine example of what I am talking about.
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
341 Strouse Ave. State College, PA 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
This place is falling apart and the landlord won't fix it. They also wanted a lot of crazy high priced fees when I moved in.
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Just inspecting his apartments one can tell he puts as little effort as possible into them; leaky roofs, everything is extremely outdated and poorly maintained unless the owner prior to him put some effort in the upkeep of the property. I have seen an apartment were the carpets were over 15 years old!! I see that other places in State College have poor ratings also, but I have never seen such poor standards in other properties. Oh, and your security deposit, forget about it, unless you're ready to go to court.
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
N. Thomas St. 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Slum lord from hell! A raw sewer pipe was broke was left unfixed and unattended for almost 2 weeks. It leaked in the basement and smelled throughout the house. The furnace broke in the middle of winter and wasn't fixed for 4 days during the coldest part of the winter. All of the tenants were not notified and were left without heat. The roof leaks, and there is water damage as well as mold problems. Ew. Additionally, there was mice, rats, cockroaches, bees, and fleas living in the house during my stay there. He's always in trouble with the borough and his places need comdemned. If you have a gas stove, beware of the oil running out and not having gas.
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0
does anybody have this phone number?! and he sucks as a landlord, our dishwasher has been broken for MONTHS and the place is just grody.
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
1.0 1.0 3.0 1.0
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Pretty much agreeing with what's been said already. Just wanted to add that while I was living in one of his apartments last winter, all residents received a notice from the gas company saying that the gas (ie. heat and hot water)would be shut off because he had failed to pay an over $7000 gas bill. This was resolved before the gas was shut off, but it shows yet another example of his level of neglect. I also left the apartment in better condition than I found it in, and have not yet gotten any of my security deposit back.
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
You can never talk to Rodney. Maintenance NEVER comes. No one calls you back. They will find the tiniest thing wrong with the apartment after you move out and withhold your ENTIRE security deposit. Most of the apartments are complete dumps and he charges OUTRAGEOUS prices.
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
Rodney is truly a slum landlord. 1) I traveled to State College the April before I moved there to find an apartment. I put down a deposit to hold an apartment and had one of my friends check it out after the current tenants moved out to make sure that it was okay before I signed a lease and moved in. A few weeks after I signed the lease I found out that he had switched the apartment he showed them with the one he rented me. 2) The apartment I rented was NOT CLEAN when I moved in. Neither the bathroom nor the kitchen were clean. The kitchen fan had so much grease build up on it that it would not work. 3) It had a horrible mold problem that eventually was discovered to be the carpet. (A dish in the dishwasher would mold within 2 days - the little bits that I had failed to clean off when I rinsed it.) I am extremely allergic to mold, but because it was not crawling up the walls, I could not get out of my lease. 4) Rodney was aware of the problem because I threw up while at his office. And yet it took him I think 3 weeks to rip up the carpet. When they ripped up the carpet, the tile underneath was crumbling, and I had to live with glue and crumbling tiles for 11 months, despite promises that it would be fixed/remodeled. 5) Rodney & Co. consistently ignored maintenance requests. 6) He waited until the very last moment he could to turn on the heat. 7) When I moved out, the apartment was as clean as I could get it (and cleaner than when I moved in), and yet the inspection said that the bathroom was extremely dirty and there were coffee stains on the dining room wall. I did not own a coffee maker nor do I drink coffee. They kept 2/3rd of my deposit. 8) The year after I moved out, there was a fire in the complex with some major damage and Rodney was sighted for not having batteries in the building's hall fire alarms. I could go on...
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
515 E. Beaver Ave 1.0 5.0 5.0 1.0
Address Maintainance Availability Friendliness Overall
515 E. Beaver Ave 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
When i moved in there was kitty litter on the floor, candles melted to the ground, it looked like someone threw a can of blue paint at the wall and decided it was a sufficient paint job. He hires unlicesed contractors to install fire water pipes running all over the house OUTSIDE of the walls. This means there are ugly ass pipes running all along the inside of the house and these brainless contractors WILL come into your room at 7 am unnanounced to drill holes. But that doesnt mean anything will be run through to piping holes. Trust me there are probably 30 holes in the walls of this place that don't have pipes running through them because the contractors don't know their asses from their elbows. Way to cut corners Rod. He said it was cheaper than puting in a fire escape. awesome... Rodent and insect infestation complaints go unanswered. your best shot at surviving in one of his houses is by wearing a biohazard suit and arming yourself with Raid cans and a BB gun for the duration of your lease. if your paying rodney money for anything, DO NOT RENEW


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