Most Immature Messy Bitch Roommate EVER! | I Hate My Roommate
So I live in a suite and its 2 separate rooms one bathroom. My roommate is one of the messiest, most disrespectful people ever. I was never a clean freak till I got to college. I decided since I'm living with someone I should be respectful and not clutter the space and be messy. Roommate did not get that memo. First of all the recycling bin is exactly 3 feet from our door yet she insists on letting plastics and cans pile up for WEEKS by the door. We often have guests so this is embarrassing to say the least. She has piles upon piles of empty plastic grocery bags under her bed. Seeing as how the bed is 4 ft elevated everyone can see this. She doesnt hang up her clothes, doesnt make her bed, and never takes the trash out. We're supposed to take turns, but she prefers to let it fill up till theres no room to even tie it! Even when she does change the garbage bag she won't take the garbage to the dumpster! Instead she sits it by the door where it sits and stinks. The door! which means everyone that comes to our room is greeted with that.
FURTHERMORE my dad bought us a nice microwave and now it has a permanent stench from her gross ass food. I've used the microwave TWICE since august, yet I clean it everyday. If I were using SOMEONE else's microwave I'd be way to embarrassed to leave it nasty. She doesn't shower regularly and constantly leaves the counter top disgusting...guess who cleans it? And she actually had the nerve to say that I should let her use my printer nonstop all day because my parents will pay for ink! yeah my parents pay for me to attend college not you. THIS is not WELFARE FUND!
View Full Version : Holy Mother of God, were you raised in a fucking WINDMILL?!? (kinda long)
the Scarlet Pimpernel
09-12-2003, 04:38 AM
For the (hopefully) final year of my second course of study, I transferred to a school in the Netherlands. Scored the first room I looked at, unbelievably cheap for the city, mostly clean, fun neighbourhood. It's in a house with six other students living in it, so it's not the absolute cleanest, but I thought it would be a great way to learn Dutch, and besides, Ive been living in dorms for the past two years anyway. How bad could it be?
Ha. Ha. HahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAhahah.
Nobody in the house seems to have grasped the concept that DISHES DO NOT WASH THEMSELVES. Perhaps I have wandered into a house filled with biology majors, and they are using the kitchen for their lab projects. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOUR WEEK-OLD CRUDDY DISHES PILED ALL OVER THE COUNTER WHEN I GO INTO THE KITCHEN TO MAKE MY FUCKING DINNER!!!! It kind of ruins my appetite, besides giving me no space to do anything. Maybe Im turning into an old fuddy-duddy, but when there are more dishes on the counter than in the cupboards, I think thats a problem.
Also, in my innocence and naiveté, I thought it was self-evident that IF YOU CLEAN YOUR HAIR OUT OF THE DRAIN AFTER YOU SHOWER, THE SHOWER WONT OVERFLOW!!!! We wouldnt even need this squeegee-mop thing in the bathroom if you would all just TAKE YOUR HAIR OUT OF THE DRAIN! Plus then I wouldnt have to touch your disgusting collective rattail which has been festering down the drain for god knows how long until it's practically a new lifeform.
And how oldare these people? Theyre in college, for chrissakes. Theyre not twelve. Is it really necessary to pound back and forth in front of my paper-thin door, laughing and screaming at QUARTER TO FUCKING ONE IN THE MORNING?!?
I know, I know, Im as much as ten years older than these people, and really oughtnt to be living in student housing anymore anyway. But unfortunately, in my current financial situation it's a necessity. I am a patient, easygoing, and reasonable roommate in general. I just resent being kept from my sleep when Ive spent the whole day moving in and have to be at class at eight o'clock the next morning.
I havent said anything to any of them yet, because Ive only just moved in and dont want to establish a reputation as a controlling bitch. Without even trying Im already the idiot American who cant even speak Dutch.
09-12-2003, 06:44 AM
No no no, Gary, you misunderstood me. They are not "rather" messy. Rather messy I could live with. Rather messy I was expecting. After all, I have been living in dorms for the past two years anyway. But I swear to god, there had to have been at least two weeks worth of hair stuck in that drain. It is much easier to clean out the drain after every shower than mop up the floor after every shower. But maybe thats just me. And the kitchen is pretty big - filling up all the counters with dishes takes some real doing.
Late night parties I was expecting. Late night parties are not a problem. This was not a party - this was just horsing around - on a weeknight. Maybe it wouldnt have pissed me off so much if my neighbours hadnt been blasting their crap techno music all evening long already. And I do like techno - in a club. Not vibrating my bedroom wall.
And theyre not *all* ten years younger. Actually I have no idea how young any of them are. The few Ive met look younger than me, and if theyre typical college age, that could be by as much as ten years.
Like I said, I know I oughtnt to live in student housing. I also said that right now I dont have a choice financially. Im ranting *here* because I just moved in and dont want them to think Im trying to take over the house. I was a pig in my late teens too - until I got roommates and saw what it took to live with other people.
(RIGHT ON-this is why people need to live in a dorm, so they can see what it takes to live with other people. of course, obviously, that didn't work for the other six people....I'm anti-people today. Crododiles should just eat everybody for all I care. You should see my Goddamned kitchen. It's Slutfest at my house-fun for some, not for me, since I am not into Slutfest. I've been to Slutfest and I was lucky to escape it without something communicable. My roommmate, sheltered to the point of believing if a dad hides his snacks on several children after working a forty hour week and won't share, that dad is abusive, just got free tickets to Slutfest.
Monday, June 13, 2011
Slumpig Roommate horror-dishes or biology project?
Posted by
5:32 AM
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