Not red but read. An interesting development I won't dwell into is taking place that illustrates the risk of being read, and the risk of telling one own story, which is by definition biased, one-sided, in blogs. Friday meeting was a success, but the aftermath may not be. Envisioning the market, that is, having a broad perspective of the pool one is swimming in is in my view a potent way to modify even in discreet ways the dynamics of the water. But broadening the perspective can be done efficiently if people start sharing their own view on the market. It is the addition of the views, like a puzzle, that will make it possible to build an image, draw a sketch of the market, with its curves and hidden niches. Once this is done, new ideas shall flourish. Staging a first meeting was a personal endeavor blessed with much luck. I hope this change sometimes and the monocephalic endeavor turns one day into a collegial effort. I need other opinions of people not only giving other opinions but willing to grasp the rope and pull together. We are seeing exactly this phenomenon happening at FFJ. Someone, important someone in the sense of his capacity to lead people into participation or procrastination, kept referring to the tiny size of the market that made all wishes of development irrelevant. He was supposed to join us at the diner but left the room at the end of the meeting without a single goodbye. Things need to be practical, otherwise it was all hot air, was his view he hinted at several times during the meeting. Meaning that creating a professional forum in his view was nothing practical, that is, not useful. I could read in his mind at his first utterance, that he was already out, against what he saw as "useless". He was being read by inference, without blogging loud and publicly. His opinion was tantamount, heavy in his power to change or keep things as they are. He chose to change nothing and set a mood, a trap, where some of the attendees certainly followed suite. Still a long way to go, unless the younger ones take initiatives. Some are showing their will to participate, in a tame fashion though. I forgot this Japan.
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