Sunday, October 19, 2008

Upbeat but lucid

The first meeting in Tokyo of the embryo forum to gather interpreters of French and Japanese was a huge success. 30+ attendees in a crammed and sultry room. Quite a lot of interaction on a standard Japanese scale. At the same time, very few if no positive ideas and suggestions, especially tangible suggestions. Passivity is a scourge and Japan is rich with it. After 48 hours, I have received but a single request to register to the forum. My guess is that granted the attendees were Westerners in their majority, the forum would have seen a good 20 newcomers in no time (maybe I am optimistic here). As one attendee suggested, the level of real life Internet savvyness down here is way much lower that suggested in the media. And technology is not much the issue here, but rather that good old Kantian fear and cowardice, what the contemporary politically correct jargon calls procrastination. Anyway, despite a few followers but still lacking collaborators, we have kingly decided me and myself to hold a monthly meeting from now on, this having been the first one. Upbeat but lucid. This endeavor may lead to nothing, and as previously stated, I shall do my best not to care too much if it does so.


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