Thursday, October 23, 2008

Individual identity and back ache

M. thinks there is a conscious and a feeling of identity among French-Japanese interpreters, but not at a group scale. An association would make sense granted people could make a living out of the profession. I am standing on the opposite side. Grouping could be also a way to expand the market, but apparently, I am alone thinking like that. An assignment today took more time than scheduled. The non-technical side was more difficult to manage that the discussion around specs. My client who was suffering of severe back ache asked me at the end how to say "Paracetamol" in Japanese. I grabbed my bag and gave him some I had with me, with the package in case he would need more. "Paracetamol", as I experienced many years ago, is unknown in Japan. The word, that is. The very same stuff, acetaminophen, is available in any drugstore. In case of need, ask for example for the brand name "Norshin".


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