Thursday, November 20, 2008

Humbling testimony

As you get used here to never hear post-mortem comments, figuring what and how people feel about things is a lifetime chore. I had to wait a month to get my first improvised comment on the first interpreters' meeting. Although nothing came as a surprise, it shows the gap between where we each stand. M. yesterday delivered a harsh but welcome slew of criticism and suggestions. Attendees were expecting to get hints on how and where to find work. They did not - or I would rather say, they could not infer anything. They don't understand the purpose and value of "professional socialization". They need incentives to get together. It must pay off, right away. In other words, the possibility to bring forward some creativity for the common good of others is an idea that is foreign. She gave me the example of an association of tourist guide-interpreters that provides tangible benefits to their paying members. It was a humbling hearing, what with the "revelation" that my messages over the discussion board were probably too difficult to read and understand. Although this may be, it all comes down to cater to people who commonly share procrastination and ubiquitous fear. Within inaction, what makes sense is the perception of clear and tangible benefits. Clear and tangible benefits are the condition of participation. The rest is - indeed - fuzzy because conceptual. Therefore, pushing forward the idea that gathering and discussing the profession is a way to indeed nurture the common good and deliver through this incentives and a sense of value to do it is meaningless. she rightly said that there were no real professionals at the meeting. Although I mentioned why almost no top professionals attended, the only thing that was kept by was their absence. Again, this perfectly links to the perception of value and where it shall lay, that is in the hands of top level professionals. I think the gap is abysmal, what with the reluctance she shares with everyone else to launch her own promotional web site, and the fear to reveal personal info, what with the fear to be discovered by elders who will frown at her impudence to advertise herself. It's all Japan psyche revealed in a single batch. She still expect though that some people will participate next week. Time will tell, and what for.


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