Monday, March 2, 2009

Computer aided interpreting training

It's costing too much money at a time of recession to try and read papers that are not available for nil. I already shelled out the price of a thick book to read a single academic article on interpreting. At some $30 a pop, it is by no means very expensive. I would like to flip through this article "Free or Affordable Software in Translation and Interpreting Training" released in 2006, and published in The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (ITT): Volume 1, Number 2, 2007
The Impact of Information and Communication Technology on Interpreter Training, published by St.Jerome, but the cost is not that worth. Not that I am a genius having discovered the Earth is spherical, but I have not been awed away by what I have bought and read so far. Academics have the superiority of access to testing environment, discussion with peers and time and resources to systemize their thoughts and research activities. Everything that is lacking outside thy realm. But thinking comes free and compensate to some extend what they can do I can't. I wish the cost of purchase of a single article be halved.


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