Tuesday, April 7, 2009

We can't afford an interpreter because of the cost ...

- We can't afford an interpreter because of the cost ... ... thinking about it, this is the third time in a month I am dealing with potential clients who are not newcomers to Japan but have reached the limit of communicability using approximate English and many gestures on top of it. The latest prospect just told me that "we didn't want to hire an interpreter", but communication has reached a level of excruciating inefficiency.
- something that is reaching a new level of efficiency is the reach factor of being visible online. Although work has been scarce with the economic gloom, there has been a growing number of inquiries from SMEs about my services.
- in manufacturing, SMEs doing or trying and do business with Japanese quickly bump, no, crash on the local deep incompetence at English, especially with factory staffs. While calling for "linguistic help" was out of reach, SMEs are fishing the web for resources they rightly figure out they can now more than ever find, just like any other stuff sold online.
- We can't afford an interpreter because of the cost ... I love this statement, especially after reading the long exchange between the client and its Japanese partner. A log exchange of mail in English where the Japanese side raises the issue of providing an interpreter more than five times, with the client answering "We can't afford an interpreter because of the cost ...". Crazy.
- What is the formula to evaluate the loss of time and money, the impact on trust this statement has brought forward because of an issue of communication?
- I love it, that statement : We can't afford an interpreter because of the cost ... but now on, if you want that business relationship to go on and grow, you have to.


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