Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Preparation Express V 2.0

So you have that short notice OPI session on company X you've never heard about, in industry xX you more or less vaguely know about, and the intermediary won't pay you preparation fees because you are an interpreter so you know the languages and interpreting being exclusively a matter of knowing how to say "cheese" in another language or reverse like flipping patties at McDonalds, there is hardly any argument sustaining to pay the interpreter's time for preparation because there is no such need, or otherwise, it suggests you incompetence at .... OK, stop. You know the song. However, you still have that "professional conscience", that dutifulness that makes you cringe at not perusing nothing before the show and just when the phone ring, simply answering : "Hello, what's for lunch today?".
So here is it, PE, that stands for Preparation Express V 2.0

Jump to X web site, scan the business description, usually not on the top page where they just brag in marketing jargon that will be useless for the job.

Look into Wikipedia under the xX industry for a possible overview of who does what and competes with who in that industry.

Check the news, first with X as a single keyword, next with X and xX, next with xX alone, next with X and "competitor", X with "perspective", X with "ranking".

If not enough, check for xX industry report and scan the free index.

You are done, in less than an our, an our max.

Depending on the subject angle, orientation, fine tune the above.

There is no time nor probably no absolute needs to look for a glossary (yes I know, it sounds anathema but) as the stint won't last past an our. It is risky for sure, but chance are you already get a grab at the standard essential vocabulary in all the query researches above.

Enjoy the stress, and when it's over, slap yourself on the shoulder, even if the performance was so, so. Don't expect the views in the industry on the needs for OPI interpreters to get prepared. They are looking forward for the day when they can get rid of you and persuade the client that Google Interpreter is smart enough to go into the pilot seat. The views won't change but you will grow more competent, and that's the single and unique thing that matters.


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