Friday, February 26, 2010

The liaison interpreter as a business enabler

Some random thoughts.

  1. Without an interpreter, communication would flow faster and you would do more business. Right?
  2. But you have no choice today. And yes, the interpreter, as much discreet she tries to be, is setting the tone, the rythm.
  3. Instead of fuming about you loosing time, reverse the point of view and take this as an opportunity : to observe the people across the table more than direct communication would allow, and fine tune your speech, thank to the extra time provided by the interpreter.
  4. Yes, she is changing the drama, but she is an enabler as well at those times, in those situations where not wording but communication dynamics is at stake.
  5. A good business interpreter is a business enabler. She help make things happen more than the client would have thought.
  6. When requested for opinions during breaks, from both sides, the good business interpreter would have some opinion to state and flirt, or more, with the expected role to play like an unofficial consultant available on the spot.
  7. The risk is to cross over the board and loose track of each one roles.

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