Friday, March 19, 2010

Not my job

The French daily Le Monde published an article today about the severe shortage of interpreters at international organizations. A friend of mine sent me the link, thinking that would be good news for my career. I had to explain him that I do not belong to the minority of high flying conference interpreters, but to the majority of unknown interpreters sweating together with clients and counterparts.

On another subject. I am back into reading "Interviewing Clients across Cultures". The purchase of the book came as a misunderstanding. I was looking for something about "interviewing" in the broader sense and found that book with a chapter about how to choose an interpreter for interviewing. I was not aware that interviewing was referring here to the practice in psychology and social support area. Despite this, it's a meaningful reading even if you are in business liaison interpreting where psychology at times is also required.

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