Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Pretending we are blond, again

The headline reads like this "Rakuten to hold all formal internal meetings in English", and it smells like deja-vu. The years circa 2010 smell like the 1985s, lest the "international communication" seminars delivered by ever superactive smiling blue eyed blonds. Being superactive and blond were the required competence.

Internet shopping mall operator Rakuten Inc. is in the process of making all formal internal meetings spoken in English to boost overseas sales". Amen.

Corporate officer meetings and board meetings have been conducted in English since January, and all-company meetings every Monday have been in English since March". Hurray!

"In order to globalize the company, everybody from top management to regular employees should be able to speak English". You bet!

"Even if meeting participants are all Japanese, they will still have to speak English. " Powerful. Lame.

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