Tuesday, August 17, 2010

The real thing

"After we had tasted the vodka and the wine, he poured a light brown liquid into a small glass which he offered to Churchill.
  'You must try my "pertsovka",' he said. 'It is the best kind of vodka that we have. Ordinary vodka is all right, but too weak. This is the real thing..'
   When I had interpreted, I added in an undertone, not for Pavlov's ears:
   'May I say, sir, that this is vicious stuff, and I cannot recommend it.'
   Politely but firmly, and very wisely, the offer was declined."

A.H. Birse, Memoirs of an Interpreter
"he" being Stalin and Pavlov Stalin's personal interpreter.

Now, let's talk about interpreter's neutrality.

Lionel Dersot
Language Interpretation for Business and Technology in Tokyo
Japan Liaison Agency and Business Support Services
Mobile : +81 90 6858 1106
Fax: +1 815 572-8300
Skype : lionelskp


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