Saturday, April 16, 2011

Bits of news and topics

The paper of the "Mediation at Work. Learning to Liaise in Business" that was held in 2009 in Trieste could be published at long last in the coming Summer.

How much interpretation assignments are generated by the - seemingly - massive deployment of crisis centers involving Hitachi, Toshiba and the likes with their US corporate partners specialized in BWR technology? I have no clue right now.

Read colleague Géraldine Oudin's post on her blog about "Impact of the 3/11 Japan Tsunami on the T&I Industry"

Get wet in condensed Fukushima news report choked full with in-situ vocabulary in Japanese by following the news in the Denki Shinbun. Here is an example of such almost daily diary. The Denki Shinbun is official, non-polemical stuff, but the jargon in there is what the specialist must probably use daily.

There are plenty of various good readings in and around Fukushima, from a tech, businessview point over the special site set up by TechOn. For a human view point, I especially liked the interview of a rescue squadron commandant about the fear and safety management when spreading water onto the badly bruised facility. The link might not work if you are not registered. Registration is free and of very good value.


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