Monday, April 11, 2011

Mapping jobs

Here is a map of potential domains for possible assignments in liaison interpreting as a consequence of the 3.11 catastrophe. It has no exhaustive claim. I jolted down these links based on notes I took during a phone conversation today with someone in the knows and bits of readings in the newspaper. A similar map could be built up that would refer to the domains of knowledge to tackle with. Some are less than obvious, like "apology 101".

I made the document with the new WebinspirationPro, that is, the online version of concept map drawing long timer Inspiration I started using more than 20 years ago when there was no Internet, and idea mapping a strange foreign land. Inspiration was fascinating because it allowed to switch from graphical to text mode, a feat still rare in the crowded domain of online mapping solutions. As someone ill-equipped in "visual thinking" and a terrible drawer, you should believe me that the graphical mode even allows graphical mode blinds to draw maps and make discoveries out the drawings, for project conception to the next strategy to save the world.

That was the 1 minute nostalgic geek broadcast, and the free commercial is over.


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