Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Debate for Business Plan Data and Early Franchise Disclosure

I have heard franchise attorneys say that prospective franchisees need the disclosure documents early on so they can make a business plan to see if the franchised outlet is feasible and I debated with them over this point of contention. Potential franchise buyers have also told me they wanted to put together a business plan for their evaluation process and therefore they need all the disclosure documents. They ask for these documents before they fill out the confidential questionnaire. We of course do not send out a UFOC without a completed questionnaire, which has been verified and we know the applicant meets our general approval and then check credit sources to see if they can actually afford it.

We have had potential buyers fill out the questionnaire and leave information out, because they did not feel comfortable with problems associated with identity theft and still want the documents. So that consumer puts us at a standstill. They want to put a business plan together to estimate the worthiness of the business, but need to know all the costs associated with it before they give us their information. Yet that information is readily available on most franchising web sites already. Of course we need to determine if they can even afford it (if they cannot we cannot spend the time on the sales process) or determine if they are one of the huge percentage of all inquiries that are competitors before we give away information contained in the UFOC. To top it off, we cannot assist them with earnings because we do not give earnings claims because we do not collect the data. This is because under the current rules we cannot substantiate or choose not to go to the expense to audit that data even though we know the answers after being in the industry for 27 years. They can call franchisees once they get the documents if they wish. But we cannot give them the disclosure documents pre-maturely. Now the FTC wants us to offer a UFOC because a potential buyer wants it or has asked for it and we have discussed our opportunity with them. The potential franchise applicant wants to make a business plan of our business model, that we do not wish to offer to them or even sell them at such early stages in the sales process?

A potential buyer wants to put together a business plan to get funding to buy a business for which he/she does not have the cash to buy. In order to get a loan, they will need a business plan. But any business plan they put together will be in contradiction to the absolute franchise business model that the franchisor will reveal after the actual purchase, we cannot reveal it sooner otherwise it will be copied and used against our team. I have heard FTC people say that they believe the potential buyer has a right to the information necessary to put together some close representation of a business plan of the franchise they wish to buy to determine if they should buy the business. Whereas this seems like a good idea on the surface the FTC has put into place rules making it impossible. They believe that this type of added disclosure sooner in the buying process will help. Yes it could, but a franchisor cannot provide the information unless first he can substantiate it and second unless the potential franchise buyer can prove he is a real buyer and can afford the franchise. We believe the answer to this concern lies on the back of the potential buyer to fill out a questionnaire truthfully and correctly and for the franchisor to verify data on that application before disseminating any additional information. At that point our company provides for the potential franchisee to go work with an actual franchise for one day and bring a calculator. We can provide a blank spreadsheet with typical expense categories on it but no numbers. The potential buyer in our franchise can visit a current franchisee and bring his/her calculator. And of course the disclosure documents will be provided once the proof of financial capability has been satisfied somewhere in the application process time frame.

It also appears from observation that no one really seems to understand the franchising model outside the actual industry practioners, attorneys in franchising and those who own franchises. The FTC certainly does not see the whole picture. I would invite Steve Toporoff and/or the entire FTC Franchise Group to go on a paid sabbatical and work in a franchisor's sales department sometime and listen to real franchise buyers ask questions, competitors trying to get information and the obnoxious looky lou's. The FTC should also send four or five of its highest-ranking franchise sector employees to do the same. I think if that were done you would begin to understand the ridiculous nature of enacting such a revised disclosure rule and you might ask yourself why we have a franchise rule in the first place.

But the FTC is not the only organization that does not understand franchising. I spoke at the SBDC's Annual Conference in San Diego, CA a few years back. In the workshop on franchising I had about 50 directors from around the country from the SBDC bombard me with questions after giving my talk. I was dumbfounded by the lack of understanding and knowledge on franchising. Almost to the point of frustration and wanting to walk out, I was shocked these were the directors of some of the largest SBDC offices in the country. I carefully worded my answers to make sure they had understood the issues presented to them. Finally we made some headway and many stayed afterwards to continue the conversation because they knew franchising was a major issue with their clients who come in for counseling usually prior to getting an SBA loan or putting together a business plan for a franchised business. I got to thinking about the 550 or so Directors and Executive Management of the SBDC Annual Conference that were in attendance and wondered why weren't all the participants in our workshop? Instead many had gone to time slot competing workshops as that is generally how such conferences are set up. But what could be more important than franchising which accounts for 1/3 of every consumer dollar in the country and a huge chuck of the small businesses in the US. What other business model can claim 350,000 outlets would the SBDC; "Small Business" Development Centers Deal with? After all franchising is the largest sector in small business, not to mention accounts for the most efficient small business models. Executives of the SBDC should have training in franchising as compulsory.

FTC should be helping all potential consumers of a franchise to understand what franchising is, but look at the information put out by the FTC, all they do is call to attention all the possible frauds and tell consumers to watch out, just look at their web site. You would think every franchisor is a crook. We all know crooks do not last long in franchising, it just costs too much to even get started, crooks are looking for easy kills with little work. You will find nothing of the sort in the franchising industry. I think the FTC's tact is a travesty, because some people will lose all their money if they start a small business, franchisors require structure and help people realize their American Dream. You would think that the FTC would applaud such efforts. Instead the FTC purports that the franchisors are fraudulent at every corner, bull! Fact is that the FTC is grandstanding and purporting their own importance to the consumer, offering hundreds of questions that potential buyers should ask of franchisors before purchasing and then making rules prohibiting the answers of the exact questions they recommend to ask through their own rules associated with disclosure. I cannot vouch for the current people of the franchise group but in the Clinton years it was certainly like this. I see a couple of familiar names still associated with the franchise division there, have things really changed? If so shouldn't we be able to tell from the FTC website. In case anyone has not yet got the picture, Franchising Mean Jobs. Jobs are good. Franchising is therefore good and we ought to make a note of it. With giant happy face right smack on the FTC site. Franchising Industry receives award !!! If you need a spokesman, no one believes that more than this kid right here.

The SBDC has hundreds of sample business plans on file to help potential small business owners develop business plans. But none are sample business plans for a franchise. I have in my personal business library, which travels with me ten books on how to write a business plan. None of them have a sample business plan for a franchise business. It is not taught in schools including the curriculum at the Entrepreneurial Studies at USC. I know because I talked with some professors there and then bought all the text books for the classes. Only one or two schools teach the compilation of a franchisee business plan in their entrepreneurial studies courses and then they simply mention it. This is in the whole country, why? Because it is not getting the juice for the most excellent business format and model it is. The FTC should led the field in this regard to alert the public to that fact. Our company has just devised a "fill in the blank business plan," which we may use to help qualified franchisee buyers. The franchise buyer can call up existing franchisees and decide what numbers should be put into the plan. These are what the franchise buyer really needs, but of course not until they are qualified.

The early disclosure debate for reasons of making a business plan of a possible franchised business does not hold water. Even once the potential buyer of a franchise has the UFOC there are no sample franchised business plans available in most franchise companies. In any franchise the potential buyer must fill out a form and prove financially capable before such information can be given out. In some registration states this would be considered advertising and be subject for review and once reviewed this would go into public record and therefore it cannot be used at all since it would be pre-signing of agreement. The franchisee does not need a disclosure documents prior to the qualifying, nor should a franchisor be required to give it out. If a franchise buyer makes a business plan or spread sheet for a possible future franchise it will surely be incorrect because the franchise buyer does not know the ins and outs of the franchised business yet. Therefore the franchise buyer maybe leading himself into a falsehood of how he believes the franchised business works and what his new franchised business and new lifestyle might entail. In other words he will be fraudulently inducing himself to buy something on bad information, if the franchise buyer were to show this to a franchisor, the franchisor is not allowed to comment for fear it might be construed as an earnings claim as you probably guessed.

We have had many recent potential buyers ask us for the UFOC so they could write a business plan before accurately filling out the application, or before we had a chance to verify what they filled out as being true and correct. This is not a good argument from the potential buyer, FTC or franchisee attorney. First you must qualify and be verified before we give out data for any purpose including writing a business plan for a franchised business. After all you could be a student doing a project and the business plan you write could appear in the next years text book for the publish or perish professor. It could end up on the Internet, which is what happened to one of ours that was written by a prospective franchisee in Little Rock, AR after a counselor of the SBDC felt was her duty thus disclosing proprietary information of our system to all. Thank god it was written by a prospective franchisee and was actually not correct entirely otherwise that would be copyright infringement, which we as franchisors claim on all proprietary information. It does a disservice to the hard work of many franchisees and the franchisor himself to give out such data or make it available to the public in anyway. It also invites competition to the franchisees thus inadvertently gives a competitive advantage to those consumer who have already purchased franchises trying to get a fair and reasonable ROI to feed families, buy soccer shoes and send kids to college. This is another reason why UFOCs and other information should not be allowed to pre-qualified individuals, the information they create as a business plan ends up all over the place. What if the potential buyer builds a business plan based on UFOC data and then starts their own business, deciding not to buy the franchise? The FTC would say that is their right and so it is, however my franchisees would be totally upset that I allowed data to help a future competitor of theirs into their market. I have a responsibility to that consumer too. He is a real consumer, he is a current franchisee and it is franchisors job to see that they are able to achieve up to their ability to follow the system.

Since a business plan is not necessary until you are sure you want a franchise and are qualified and accepted by the franchisor as a qualified franchise buyer, the business plan debate and justification for an early disclosure is invalid. There is sufficient competition in franchising and a potential franchise buyer, who on average I am told by FranchiseOpportunities.com, looks into 15 or more franchises before deciding which one is most suited to their lifestyle, needs for cash flow and amount of financial where with all available. So therefore we can see that until they narrow their selection, there is no need for them to have fifteen UFOCs to make fifteen business plans, which no one would ever do who was not a doctorial student of business, that is not even required for the IFA, Franchise Executive certification program. And alas the doctorial student would not be a real buyer anyway so no franchisor should be obligated to give them such information based on this business plan debate. Now if the potential franchise buyer had accurate and comparable information then of course this business plan point could be valid. Not actually a business plan as much as a "T" on apiece of legal paper of the pluses and minuses of each franchise being considered. A person not familiar with UFOCs like most all real franchise buyers would have a problem going through all the information trying to find the comparable data. And by then his coffee table next to the couch would buckle from the weight of 15 UFOCs when the house cat sat on it, just ask Robin Glen Day, franchise attorney and cat lover out of California. Check out her cat on her website, how cool is that, not bad for an attorney, google her name you can find the site?

The SBA is another organization that does not understand franchising. You may recall a few years ago the SBA contracted with FranNet to put all UFOCs on the Internet for streamlining SBA loans of their preferred lenders. First thing FranNet did was send a sales letter to all franchisors telling them they could now get other franchisor's and competitor's UFOCs for a fee. In addition they went through all the UFOCs submitted and did studies you could buy too. This illustrates my point regarding the competitive intelligence and proprietary information being given away due to the lack of understanding of the competition in franchising and different market sectors were the franchisors operate and compete. Obviously FranNet with their coup from the SBA contract would never offer such a service if it were not a desire of the competitive market place to get the information. Yes, I ordered my competitions documents and yes it helps me beat them in the market place. Yes it is unfair, but they are also doing it to me. No, we did not after that point bother dealing with the SBA or FranNet. And yes we turn away most applicants who answer our question of "where will you get the money to buy this franchise?" on our questionnaire; "from a small business or SBA loan." As soon as the franchise buyer submits the documents as part of the loan package there is a possibility of it becoming public record. The UFOCs contain so much information, such a P and L, Balance Sheet, experience, number of projected units, location of existing units, etc, etc that it is in essence the same or better than going through a competitor's office files or trash. This over disclosure promotes Machiavellian tendencies from competition and condemns the noblest of franchisors to spend to guard against it. We did a had a preferred SBA lender forward information about our franchise to a friend of his from the Rotary Club who was a strong competitor and owned a carwash in that region. The competitor then contacted us for more information about what we were doing.

Apparently the FTC, SBA, and SBDC do not understand the competitive nature of business in America and freely help competitors under the guise of helping consumers. Whether or not they realize it, I believe they must, as only an idiot would be so blind to the fact. Many times the competitor turns out to be the actual agency or organization. Franchisors must be careful to not give away proprietary information otherwise it is of detriment to their system and could hurt the very franchisees they have enlisted under their wings. These current franchisees and I cannot emphasize this enough are also consumers. They are real consumers, unlike those inquiries, which are un-financially qualified and/or competitors. Think about it.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is an online writer in retirement.

Senators demand probe of oil refiners' profits

See it on TV? Check here.Latest on Gas and Fuel Costs Latest on Gas and Fuel Costs

AP  Eyewitness NewsNEW YORK -- New York Sen. Charles Schumer wants the government to investigate U.S. oil refiners' skyrocketing profits.

He says the companies are to blame for high gas prices.

Speaking Sunday at a gas station on Manhattan's West Side, the Democrat said that "something is rotten." He said refiners' profits have more than doubled since last year.

Meanwhile, the price of unleaded gas went up by almost 12 percent in the two weeks ending May 6.

In New York, the average price for a gallon of gas is $4.03.

In New Jersey it's $3.77.

In Connecticut it's $4.13.

The senator says he believes refiners are fixing prices by cutting back on stockpiles.

In a letter to the Federal Trade Commission, Schumer demanded an investigation into record profits by major refiners.

The letter is also signed by the Senate Majority Leader, Harry Reid, and three other Democratic senators.

(Copyright ©2011 by The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.)
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new york city, charles schumer, gas prices, new york news

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Starting a Web Design Business

Complete business package to help you easily and quickly start your own profitable home-based web design business!

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Jobs seem to be out there in restaurant industry

NEW YORK (WABC) -- So you're looking for a job, or maybe someone you know is.

What if we told you there's work out there served right up on a silver platter.

Pressure and perfection in the kitchen, a far cry from what culinary student Emily Trexler was doing before at her office job.

"I was sitting in a cubicle miserable. I never saw the sun. I just couldn't sit still long enough to continue that way," she said.

But a career change in this weak job market is risky so Trexler tried to find odds in her favor.

"I looked on salary.com and some other websites to see what jobs are out there, but I worked in the restaurant business in the front of the house so I knew that there was always jobs available," adds Trexler.

So she signed up for L'academie De Cuisine, one of the top culinary schools in the country based in Maryland.

The food industry, is hiring according to bureau of labor statistics.

Food service jobs are one of the fastest growing segments in the job market, with more than 63,000 jobs added since the beginning of the year.

From being top chef, to waiting tables, the wages range, the average hourly rate in the food industry is $11.72 an hour.

But passion could pay off.

It did for Amy Miller who is working at a popular high end DC restaurant.

"Wow. I've really done it. Here I am, I love my job. In this economy it's a good thing to get paid and get paid for doing what you love," said Miller.

And in this demanding ever-changing job sector, here's one promise you can feast on.

(Copyright ©2011 WABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.) Get more Eyewitness News First at 4:00 p.m »

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Coffee prices increase across the country

By Scott Curkin; Eyewitness NewsTARRYTOWN, New York (WABC) -- We all know that folks are paying a lot more to fuel up these days, not just for gas but for coffee too.

In fact coffee price increases have outpaced gas prices in the past year.

While fuel prices are expected to stabilize, coffee could continue to rise.

A batch of espresso blend coffee beans fresh out of the roaster piping hot and $2 more per pound than last year. At coffee labs in Tarrytown, they've had no choice but to pass along rising costs to their customers.

The jump in price of unroasted coffee beans known as green coffee isn't limited to specialty shops or exotic blends. Smucker the company that distributes Folgers and Dunkin Donuts brand coffee in supermarkets is raising what it charges retailers 11percent.

Reasons vary from speculators driving up costs to harsh winters limiting supply.

Experts say it's unlikely prices will drop anytime soon. But for many, coffee is as much a necessity as milk or bread.

(Copyright ©2011 WABC-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.) Get more Eyewitness News First at 4:00 p.m »

View the original article here

Planet hemp inc. | Facebook

Planet hemp inc. | FacebookDescription

next to the animal store in the coastland center mall..down by sears

PO BOX 10729
Police: Planet Hemp employee caused disturbance at mall, threatened another worker
By Naples Daily News staff report
Posted December 20, 2010 at 2:50 p.m.
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Age: 34
Case #: Not yet available

Follow this case online: http://www.collierclerk.com/RecordsSearch/CourtRecords
Please note: Most cases require 2-3 days to be inputted into the public court record.
This gallery is compiled by the Naples Daily News staff from written reports by Naples police, Collier Sheriff‘s Office, Marco police and other agencies. Arrests indicate suspicion of crime, not guilt. To report a crime or suspicious activity in your neighborhood, call the Naples Police and Fire Department at 213-4844, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office at 774-4434 or the Marco Island Police Department at 389-5050.
NAPLES — An employee of Planet Hemp in the Coastland Center mall is accused of causing a loud disturbance at the mall, harassing customers, pushing another mall employee, and threatening to slit the employee’s throat.

But his bluster ended with a punch in the face and a trip to jail, according to Naples police.

Courtland Page Johnson, 34, of the 400 block of Bald Eagle Drive, Marco Island, was charged with battery and disorderly conduct.

Johnson had been loud all day, causing a disturbance and cursing, mall employees told police. A witness at the Animal Magnetism store told police that Johnson had been standing in front of the store and harassing customers, according to an arrest report.

Larry Greenberg, the owner of the Animal Magnetism, asked Johnson to quiet down and stop harassing his employees and customers. Johnson agreed, but continued to harass customers, reports said. Johnson then called Greenberg an offensive name.

Greenberg asked a store employee, Ruben Alvarez Caballero, to go to Planet Hemp and tell Johnson to stop harassing customers. Instead, Johnson yelled and swore at Caballero, bumped him with his stomach, hit his face and pushed him, pinning him against a clothing rack, reports said. When Caballero asked Johnson to calm down and told him not to touch him, Johnson told Caballero that he was going to slit his throat, reports said.

Caballero punched Johnson in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Caballero pinned Johnson to the ground until police arrived, reports said. At the time of his arrest, reports say officers smelled a strong odor of alcohol on Johnson’s breath.

Planet hemp inc. | Facebook

Planet hemp inc. | FacebookDescription

next to the animal store in the coastland center mall..down by sears

PO BOX 10729
Police: Planet Hemp employee caused disturbance at mall, threatened another worker
By Naples Daily News staff report
Posted December 20, 2010 at 2:50 p.m.
EmailDiscussShare »PrintAAA


Age: 34
Case #: Not yet available

Follow this case online: http://www.collierclerk.com/RecordsSearch/CourtRecords
Please note: Most cases require 2-3 days to be inputted into the public court record.
This gallery is compiled by the Naples Daily News staff from written reports by Naples police, Collier Sheriff‘s Office, Marco police and other agencies. Arrests indicate suspicion of crime, not guilt. To report a crime or suspicious activity in your neighborhood, call the Naples Police and Fire Department at 213-4844, the Collier County Sheriff’s Office at 774-4434 or the Marco Island Police Department at 389-5050.
NAPLES — An employee of Planet Hemp in the Coastland Center mall is accused of causing a loud disturbance at the mall, harassing customers, pushing another mall employee, and threatening to slit the employee’s throat.

But his bluster ended with a punch in the face and a trip to jail, according to Naples police.

Courtland Page Johnson, 34, of the 400 block of Bald Eagle Drive, Marco Island, was charged with battery and disorderly conduct.

Johnson had been loud all day, causing a disturbance and cursing, mall employees told police. A witness at the Animal Magnetism store told police that Johnson had been standing in front of the store and harassing customers, according to an arrest report.

Larry Greenberg, the owner of the Animal Magnetism, asked Johnson to quiet down and stop harassing his employees and customers. Johnson agreed, but continued to harass customers, reports said. Johnson then called Greenberg an offensive name.

Greenberg asked a store employee, Ruben Alvarez Caballero, to go to Planet Hemp and tell Johnson to stop harassing customers. Instead, Johnson yelled and swore at Caballero, bumped him with his stomach, hit his face and pushed him, pinning him against a clothing rack, reports said. When Caballero asked Johnson to calm down and told him not to touch him, Johnson told Caballero that he was going to slit his throat, reports said.

Caballero punched Johnson in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Caballero pinned Johnson to the ground until police arrived, reports said. At the time of his arrest, reports say officers smelled a strong odor of alcohol on Johnson’s breath.

The 7 Major Reasons Businesses Fail and How to Overcome Them

This year, over 800,000 of the approximately 2,000,000 start

up businesses will fail!

Nearly 1,000,000 of those remaining will fail within 3 years.

Why do so many businesses fail? Many studies show that

approximately 98% of all failures occur because of the

owners. The other 2% are a result of acts of God. Here are

the key reasons and actions owners can take to avoid and

overcome business failure:

Reason #1: The owner is not mentally prepared or

motivated to run a business. There are three different ways

to use your energy, and your physical and mental efforts to

earn money. I call them the three "Games of Work.," and

they define the types of relationships between people and

their work. The rules that players have to follow to succeed

for each "Game" are shown below.

1. Bureaucrats,: Do what it takes to protect or expand their

position; Will divert responsibility whenever possible, but

will take credit for desirable results of others; The success

of the organization is secondary to kissing up to those who

make decisions about promotions, salaries and job

security; Have virtually no control over their job security; And

are compensated for basically showing up.

2. Partial Entrepreneurs: Choose to be responsible for work

performed or results achieved in their specialized field, but

do not want responsibility for the total business. Have more

control over their job and its security; And are paid for the

specific results they produce. Examples of Partial

Entrepreneurs include; commissioned salesmen, multilevel

marketing members, franchisees, and real estate agents.

3. Business Owners: Take full responsibility for their

business; Are in full control over their job and its security

(whether they know it or not); Have no one in the

organization to kiss up to; Learn to pass on as much credit

as possible; Constantly focus on the success of the

business; And are compensated only from the profits of the


As you can see, the rules of a Bureaucrat and a Business

Owner are completely opposites in all categories, and the

Partial Entrepreneur is basically in the middle. The mental

effort it takes to convert from Bureaucrat or Partial

Entrepreneur to Business Owner is much greater than most

people realize. Many business owners never fully make the


Action: Before becoming a business owner in the first

place, determine if you truly want and will operate under the

Business Owner "Game Rules." If you choose to, do so

IMMEDIATELY, and COMPLETELY! To survive, let alone

succeed, you must commit to operate under the Business

Owner Rules 100%. Otherwise, you should seriously

consider playing one of the other "Games of Work" that best

suits your desires.

Reason #2: The business owner is unable to operate a

business. The success or failure of a business depends

on the owner. As the head goes, so goes the body.

Running a business is completely different than any other

"Game of Work," but, believe it or not, the rules are the same

for all types of businesses. Far too many owners fail to take

the time and energy to improve their own ability to run their

business. This means that they need to grow as a person

first and enrich themselves and discover their true passions

and priorities to be able to have the maturity, drive, and

energy to allow them to manage themselves and a

business simultaneously.

Action: You will greatly enhance your chances for success

by finding methods of self-improvement in all aspects of

running a business, and continue the process throughout

your entire business-ownership career. Obviously, as you

become better at running your business, the success of

your business will also get better. Many resources are

available to you, including respected advisors, mentors,

partners, "Godfathers, " and coaches.

Reason #3: The business owner thinks he knows what it

takes to run a successful business and is convinced he is

fully prepared to jump in. This is rarely true. The

fundamentals of owning and operating a business

sometimes referred to as the "rules of the game," are rarely

taught in the U.S. school system. (See Global

Entrepreneurship Monitor, published by Babson College

and Kauffman Center for Entrepreneurial Leadership, July,


We are led to believe that an education fully prepares us for

running a business. In truth, the U.S. school system only

prepares us to get a job, not create jobs. The fundamentals

of successfully owning and operating a business are very

different from getting and keeping a job. Unfortunately, most

business owners are left to learn these fundamentals

through the age-old process of "Trial and Error" with an

emphasis on error. This "Trial and Error" dependence

causes far too many serious and fatal errors, and leads to

stress, financial damage, and eventual failure.

Action: Learn the rules of the game of business, other than

through the "Trial and Error" method. The very best way is to

find and use trusted mentors, advisors, and/or coaches to

guide you through the process of learning how to improve

your capability to run your business to avoid the many errors

others make. Frankly, the rules are simple, easy to learn,

and are based upon common sense, and high integrity

Reason #4: The business owner tries to execute all three of

the three basic functions needed for a business to succeed,

alone and without help. (See The E Myth Revisited by

Michael Gerber).

The three key functions a business must have executed to

succeed are:

The Technical function, which is the execution of the actual

service or product provided by the business. For example

the drafting action of a drafting company, the auto repair

actions of an auto repair company, the production of a boat

of a boat building company.

The Managerial function, which is the organization,

coordination, and supervision of the people assets and

activity of the business on a day to day basis.

The Visionary function, which is the discovery, setting and

communication of the future goals and purposes of the

entire business. The leadership to get all parts of the

business flowing towards the long term goals established.

The level of success of a business is limited to the level of

the execution of the weakest link of the three business

functions described. A business that has two of the

functions executed in an excellent manner and the other in a

poorly manner will eventually level out no higher than poor.

Yet, entrepreneurs (budding business owners) and

business owners try to personally perform all three

functions themselves. One single person will have an

extremely difficult time performing all three functions at a

high enough level for the business to eventually succeed.

Michael Jordan, one of the best basketball players of all

time, could not translate his huge basketball skills into a

successful baseball career. He proved that the skills

needed to succeed at the game of baseball are much

different from the skills needed to succeed at the game of

basketball. And when he returned to basketball, he had to

work extra hard to re-sharpen his basketball skills to his

previous levels. Likewise, the skills of owning and

operating a business are specific and very different than the

other two "Games of Work."

Action: Get help from someone, a partner, an employee or

an outsourcing resource to perform at least one of the two

functions for the business. This way that function can be

executed at a very high level and will allow you to focus on

executing no more than the other two at a similar high level.

Normally entrepreneurs initiate businesses where they

bring the technical skills and motivation to the table.

The three skills necessary to win in the business game are:

Technical Skills of the business; Managerial Skills to

manage yourself, time, things, concepts, and people; and

Visionary Skills to set future goals and organize the

business so that current activities will contribute to them

(See The E Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber).

You probably bring Technical Skills to the table, but to

succeed, you will also want to master the Managerial and

Visionary Skills. You are not born with these skills; you

learn them. You are born with natural talents towards

certain skills, but you have to work to perfect them. Michael

Jordan, and Tiger Woods were obviously born with

unbelievable talents, but they became successful only

because they worked very hard at developing the skills they

needed to win. Likewise, you will want to work to develop

your Management and Visionary Skills (from the Business

Owners Perspective) and continue the process throughout

your business ownership career.

Reason #5: The owner starts a business for the wrong

reason: "No one can boss me around;" Or; "I will create my

own job;" "If he/she can be successful, so can I;" "I will buy

a business and enjoy the fruits of ownership;" "I want to

pursue my passion for serving others." And so on. The

stresses and problems resulting from running a business

for the wrong reasons can become overwhelming,

especially when you generate little or no profits.

Action: "The only reason to have your own business is to

Make a Profit." Though this may sound cold and greedy, you

will realize rewards and compensation only from your

business profits. If your business doesn't make a profit, you

get nothing. You might even discover you have been

working for nothing, or worse, working to increase your debt.

This does not mean you have to avoid meaningful, and

emotional reasons for living. Not at all. The profits and

personal time gained from the business will provide you the

resources to pursue your life goals. Even religious

institutions require profits and time to pursue their passion

of serving others.

Reason #6: Business owners do not completely consider

the perspective and motivations of potential customers.

Customers' perspective must be addressed so owners can

entice enough customers to buy their products or services

at a price over their costs to produce the desired profits.

From the very beginning, owners should be focused on

enticing customers to buy. Owners who do not know,

understand, or appreciate their potential customers'

perspectives will most likely see their business fail.

Action: Learn as much as possible about your potential

customers. Design and provide products or services,

delivery methods, pricing, and ways to communicate with

them around their perspective. This might require that you

get help stepping out of your own perspective and into

someone else's.

Reason #7: Business owners insist on going it alone

without asking or accepting outside help. The sole

business owner has one of the loneliest positions in the

world. Many owners have difficulty confiding in their

employees, vendors, customers, lenders, or competitors,

for fear that any one of them will take advantage of revealed

weaknesses. Most owners try to go it alone by working IN

their business, and not near enough time working ON the

business. Consequently, they are not aware of what they

are doing, where they are going, or why! (the "Trial and

Error" method).

Action: Find and use Advisors, Mentors, Coaches, and/or

Trusted Partners who have the knowledge and desire to

educate and guide you, with your best interests at heart. All

professional athletes have one, if not several, coaches,

advisors, mentors, who help them become much more

successful than they ever could be on their own. Coaches

evaluate your ability to run your business. They will bring

you outside the stress, money, and time pressures you feel

from working IN the business, to help you make the

changes to result in improving your profits and reducing

your pressures. You will become much more successful

with advisors. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness, but

a sign of your desire to improve. Learning from the trials

and errors of others is an enjoyable and profitable

experience. Once you find the right advisors, you learn to

prevent and correct mistakes you might otherwise make.

Provided as an educational service by Bill Dueease of The Coach Connection, where ?connecting great people with great coaches? is their goal. You may receive a free copy of the article ?10 Insider Secrets Most Business Owners Never Learn? by contacting The Coach Connection at 800-887-7214 or 239-415-1777 or coaches@findyourcoach.com, or at http://www.findyourcoach.com/0o-business-coach.htm

Arrowhead Towne Center - Glendale, AZ

Arrowhead Towne Center - Glendale, AZ
Category: Shopping Centers [Edit]
7700 W Arrowhead Towne Ctr
Glendale, AZ 85308
(623) 979-7575

Add Photos
Mon-Sat 10 am - 9 pm
Sun 11 am - 6 pm
Price Range: $$
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes

Great selection of stores.
Easy layout.
Lots of activities.

Was this review …?


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Review from Jin C.

Elite '11
Jin C.
Phoenix, AZ
Its pretty cool. Not the best variety in the food court,
but its bearable.

Disney store has huge floor space and tons of fun merchandise.
The presentation is neat and clean.

Tinkerbell has good customer service, inexpensive merchandise.
2 bucks for cute blingy hair accessories, I'll take one!
There's a 5 dollar minimum to swipe any sort of card tho.

Clothing Co. has inexpensive clubwear/ casualwear,
and accessories. I got a huge blue rose hair accessory for 2.99.
It would be like 13 bucks at Icings or Claire's.

First of all, bad customer service and overpriced.
During checkout, their attitudes were very demeaning, belittling the customer and making them feel unwelcome.
I assume the manager was also very unhappy with her job because she was rude to her customers, especially those of color/ minorities.

Be VERY CAREFUL when purchasing merchandise from here.

Their return policy on the receipt clearly states that merchandise can be returned and original form of payment will be refunded back to the customer if they have the receipt and the merchandise is in original condition.

I bought a hair accessory, within 30 min around the mall found something that was better and cheaper so tried to return the merchandise to get my money back.

I had my receipt and the item was unworn,
but the assistant manager 3:30 PM 5/8 (She was brunette, heavy build, just above shoulder length hair and had black horn rimmed glasses with some badly done highlights)
said that it could not be done because its "store policy" and only exchanges are allowed.
I showed her the back of the receipt and she still held her ground.
She was very unprofessional and treated me with disrespect (her mannerisms and tone) and was very rude to me.
Very disappointed.

I would not recommend this business to friends/ family.
Definitely would not return.
Overpriced low quality merchandise with poor customer service.
Think again before you give them your business.

Try other places like Clothing Co. or Tinkerbelle for cheaper, better quality merchandise and better customer service.

Was this review …?
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Review from Tabatha R.

Tabatha R.
Peoria, AZ
4/18/2011 1 Check-in Here
If it weren't for the ginormous Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, and The Clothing Co (and occasionally some others), I probably wouldn't shop here very often. Since these stores are here, though, I find myself spending a lot of time at the notorious Arrowhead Mall.

I don't like the AMC here, so I will not see movies here and I am really not fond of the restaurants in the food court, either... basically I come here to shop at those three stores and then I book it.

Arrowhead Towne Center - Glendale, AZ

Arrowhead Towne Center - Glendale, AZ
Category: Shopping Centers [Edit]
7700 W Arrowhead Towne Ctr
Glendale, AZ 85308
(623) 979-7575

Add Photos
Mon-Sat 10 am - 9 pm
Sun 11 am - 6 pm
Price Range: $$
Accepts Credit Cards: Yes

Great selection of stores.
Easy layout.
Lots of activities.

Was this review …?


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Review from Jin C.

Elite '11
Jin C.
Phoenix, AZ
Its pretty cool. Not the best variety in the food court,
but its bearable.

Disney store has huge floor space and tons of fun merchandise.
The presentation is neat and clean.

Tinkerbell has good customer service, inexpensive merchandise.
2 bucks for cute blingy hair accessories, I'll take one!
There's a 5 dollar minimum to swipe any sort of card tho.

Clothing Co. has inexpensive clubwear/ casualwear,
and accessories. I got a huge blue rose hair accessory for 2.99.
It would be like 13 bucks at Icings or Claire's.

First of all, bad customer service and overpriced.
During checkout, their attitudes were very demeaning, belittling the customer and making them feel unwelcome.
I assume the manager was also very unhappy with her job because she was rude to her customers, especially those of color/ minorities.

Be VERY CAREFUL when purchasing merchandise from here.

Their return policy on the receipt clearly states that merchandise can be returned and original form of payment will be refunded back to the customer if they have the receipt and the merchandise is in original condition.

I bought a hair accessory, within 30 min around the mall found something that was better and cheaper so tried to return the merchandise to get my money back.

I had my receipt and the item was unworn,
but the assistant manager 3:30 PM 5/8 (She was brunette, heavy build, just above shoulder length hair and had black horn rimmed glasses with some badly done highlights)
said that it could not be done because its "store policy" and only exchanges are allowed.
I showed her the back of the receipt and she still held her ground.
She was very unprofessional and treated me with disrespect (her mannerisms and tone) and was very rude to me.
Very disappointed.

I would not recommend this business to friends/ family.
Definitely would not return.
Overpriced low quality merchandise with poor customer service.
Think again before you give them your business.

Try other places like Clothing Co. or Tinkerbelle for cheaper, better quality merchandise and better customer service.

Was this review …?
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Review from Tabatha R.

Tabatha R.
Peoria, AZ
4/18/2011 1 Check-in Here
If it weren't for the ginormous Forever 21, Charlotte Russe, and The Clothing Co (and occasionally some others), I probably wouldn't shop here very often. Since these stores are here, though, I find myself spending a lot of time at the notorious Arrowhead Mall.

I don't like the AMC here, so I will not see movies here and I am really not fond of the restaurants in the food court, either... basically I come here to shop at those three stores and then I book it.

Arrowhead Mall

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Arrowhead Mall

Cas Productions - Glendale, Arizona (AZ) | Company Profile
Cas Productions
7942 W Bell Road # C5
Glendale, AZ 85308-8710 map
Website:Information not found
Phone: (602) 363-1852
Ads by Google
Film and Video Production National TV Commercials and Post Production services
Cas Productions in Glendale, AZ is a private company categorized under Motion Picture Producers and Studios.

Business Categories
Motion picture and video production in Glendale, AZMotion Picture/Video ProductionMotion Picture and Video ProductionView newly formed U.S. businesses
Company Contacts

Cas Productions Business Information
Location Type Single Location
Annual Sales (Estimated) 120,000
Employees (Estimated) 2
SIC Code 7812, Motion Picture and Video Tape Production
NAICS Code 512110, Motion Picture and Video Production
Products, Services
and Brands
Information not found
State of Incorporation Information not found
Years in Business Information not found

Domain 602
Domain Administrator 7942 W. Bell Rd. #C5194 Glendale, AZ 85308
United States
Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc. (http://www.godaddy.com)
Created on: 17-Sep-03
Expires on: 17-Sep-11
Last Updated on: 22-Dec-10
Administrative Contact:
, domain602@gmail.com
7942 W. Bell Rd.
#C5194 Glendale, AZ 85308
United States
Fax --
Technical Contact:
Administrator, Domain domain602@gmail.com
Domain 602
+1. 7942 W. Bell Rd. #C5194 Glendale, AZ 85308
United States
+1.8773626330 Fax --
Domain servers in listed order:

Welcome to the Web home of The UPS Store location in GLENDALE. We do more than shipping!

7942 W BELL RD
GLENDALE, AZ 85308-8705
Phone: (623)486-3000
Fax: (623)486-3100
Email: store2680@theupsstore.com
Regular Hours of Operation:
Monday 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Tuesday 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Wednesday 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Thursday 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Friday 7:30 AM - 7:00 PM
Saturday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Sunday 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Massage Envy strives to make massage available to clients at convenient times and affordable prices in a comfortable setting. The spa's…

(623) 738-1756
7942 W Bell Road, Suite C-2 (83rd Ave & W. Bell Rd.)
Glendale, AZ 85308

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UPS Drop Box - 7942 W BELL RD, GLENDALE, AZ, 85308

Sierra Stone Arizona INC
Not Rated
7942 W Bell Rd Ste C5 PMB 273, Glendale, AZ 85308

Natural Stone Wholesale
Hours of Operation (Edit)

7942 W Bell Rd
Glendale, AZ 85308
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Bus: Arrowhead Mall North Mall Entrance -- 75

Arrowhead Cleaners, 7942 W Bell Road, Glendale, AZ 85308 - Kudzu ...

Aug 20, 2008 ... Reviews and ratings for Arrowhead Cleaners, 7942 W Bell Road, Glendale, AZ 85308. (623) 334-3343. Get maps, directions, address and phone ...
Show map of 7942 W Bell Rd # C1, Glendale, AZ 85308-8705
www.kudzu.com › ... › Laundry & Dry Cleaning - Cached - Similar
Great Clips - 7942 W Bell Rd, Glendale, AZ, 85308
Great Clips 7942 W Bell Rd Glendale, AZ. Great Clips Store Hours. M-F: 9:00 AM - 9:00 PM Sat: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sun: 10:00 AM - 5:00 PM ...
www.quickr.org/Great_Clips_7942_W_Bell_Rd_Glendale_AZ_85308 - Cached
7942 - 8290 W Bell Road - Arrowhead Marketplace - Arrowhead ...
Property details for 7942 - 8290 W Bell Road - Arrowhead Marketplace - Arrowhead Marketplace, including price and SF available of one of many commercial ...

7942 W Bell Rd
Glendale, AZ 85308
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Aloha Cleaners‎ -
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Great Clips Arrowhead Marketplace‎ -
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JC Books‎ -
Jude Auto Glass‎ -
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Kyoto Bowl‎ -
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Lee's Five Star Printing‎ -
Massage Envy - Arrowhead‎ -
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Mistique Salon & Boutique‎ -
Phoenix On-Site Technologies, LLC‎ -
Plus Garage Doors & Gates‎ -
2 reviews
Pruitt Management Corporation‎ -
2 reviews
The UPS Store‎ -
2 reviews
Truck Candy‎ -
Pheonix small business services
7942 W Bell Rd, Glendale, Ari…‹ D. Sierra Stone A…F. Allman Auto Gl… ›

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Pink Hill, North Carolina (NC 28572) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders

Pink Hill, North Carolina (NC 28572) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders

Construction (23%)
Educational services (22%)
Public administration (12%)
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (9%)
Retail trade (9%)
Administrative and support and waste management services (8%)
Other services, except public administration (8%)

Count Lived (average)
James 42 70.4 years
Mary 33 75.9 years
William 31 70.8 years
John 30 75.4 years
George 21 70.5 years
Robert 14 66.4 years
Joseph 14 66.9 years
Annie 12 82.3 years
David 12 62.8 years
Carrie 12 82.1 years
Most common last names in Pink Hill, NC among deceased individuals
Last name Count Lived (average)
Smith 79 74.2 years
Jones 58 75.3 years
Kennedy 56 73.0 years
Howard 54 77.2 years
Turner 41 76.0 years
Houston 40 75.6 years
Whaley 39 71.1 years
Murphy 33 70.1 years
Miller 33 72.4 years
Tyndall 31 73.5 years

Businesses in Pink Hill, NC
Kincaid: 1
La-Z-Boy: 1
Subway: 1

Houses: 235 (207 occupied: 104 owner occupied, 103 renter occupied)
% of renters here: 50%
State: 31%
Housing density: 502 houses/condos per square mile

Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos in 2009 in this state: $232,594.

Median contract rent in 2009: $227 (lower quartile is $98, upper quartile is $263)

Median gross rent in Pink Hill, NC in 2009: $391

Housing units in Pink Hill with a mortgage: 35 (0 second mortgage, 14 home equity loan, 0 both second mortgage and home equity loan)
Houses without a mortgage: 40

Median household income for houses/condes with a mortgage: $55,625

Median household income for apartments without a mortgage: $24,583

Median monthly housing costs: $422

Rent paid by renters in 2009 in Pink Hill:
Less than $100: 5 people
$100 to $149: 0
$150 to $199: 11
$200 to $249: 0
$250 to $299: 4
$300 to $349: 0
$350 to $399: 14
$400 to $449: 11
$450 to $499: 0
$500 to $549: 9
$550 to $599: 3
$600 to $649: 0
$650 to $699: 0
$700 to $749: 0
$750 to $799: 0
$800 to $899: 0
$900 to $999: 2
$1,000 to $1,249: 4
$1,250 to $1,499: 0
$1,500 to $1,999: 0
$2,000 or more: 0
No cash rent: 9

Most common places of birth for the foreign-born residents (%):

Mexico (100%)

First ancestries reported:
Other groups: 186
United States or American: 103
English: 38
Irish: 19
Scotch-Irish: 9
Polish: 4
Scottish: 2
Swiss: 2
British: 1
German: 1

Place of birth for U.S.-born residents:
This state: 481
Northeast: 19
Midwest: 3
South: 22
West: 6
Median 2009 house value for:
White Non-Hispanic householders: $123,907
Black or African American householders: $57,506
Housing units in structures:
One, detached: 154
One, attached: 4
3 or 4: 3
5 to 9: 10
10 to 19: 2
Mobile homes: 62

Median worth of mobile homes: $60,000

Housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities: 3%

Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities: 6%

House/condo owner moved in on average 29 years ago

Renter moved in on average 6 ears ago
Year Householders Moved Into Residence in Pink Hill:
08162432401999 to March 20001995 to 19981990 to 19941980 to 19891970 to 19791969 or earlier
White Non-Hispanic
Other Race
Hispanic or Latino
Most commonly used house heating fuel in houses and condos:
Electricity (44%)Wood (2%)Bottled, tank, or LP gas (40%)Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (14%)
Electricity (44%)
Bottled, tank, or LP gas (40%)
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (13%)
Wood (2%)
Most commonly used house heating fuel in apartments:
Electricity (50%)Other (4%)Bottled, tank, or LP gas (34%)Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (12%)
Electricity (50%)
Bottled, tank, or LP gas (34%)
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (12%)
Utility gas (2%)
Other fuel (2%)


Pink Hill, North Carolina (NC 28572) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders

Pink Hill, North Carolina (NC 28572) profile: population, maps, real estate, averages, homes, statistics, relocation, travel, jobs, hospitals, schools, crime, moving, houses, news, sex offenders

Construction (23%)
Educational services (22%)
Public administration (12%)
Agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting (9%)
Retail trade (9%)
Administrative and support and waste management services (8%)
Other services, except public administration (8%)

Count Lived (average)
James 42 70.4 years
Mary 33 75.9 years
William 31 70.8 years
John 30 75.4 years
George 21 70.5 years
Robert 14 66.4 years
Joseph 14 66.9 years
Annie 12 82.3 years
David 12 62.8 years
Carrie 12 82.1 years
Most common last names in Pink Hill, NC among deceased individuals
Last name Count Lived (average)
Smith 79 74.2 years
Jones 58 75.3 years
Kennedy 56 73.0 years
Howard 54 77.2 years
Turner 41 76.0 years
Houston 40 75.6 years
Whaley 39 71.1 years
Murphy 33 70.1 years
Miller 33 72.4 years
Tyndall 31 73.5 years

Businesses in Pink Hill, NC
Kincaid: 1
La-Z-Boy: 1
Subway: 1

Houses: 235 (207 occupied: 104 owner occupied, 103 renter occupied)
% of renters here: 50%
State: 31%
Housing density: 502 houses/condos per square mile

Median price asked for vacant for-sale houses and condos in 2009 in this state: $232,594.

Median contract rent in 2009: $227 (lower quartile is $98, upper quartile is $263)

Median gross rent in Pink Hill, NC in 2009: $391

Housing units in Pink Hill with a mortgage: 35 (0 second mortgage, 14 home equity loan, 0 both second mortgage and home equity loan)
Houses without a mortgage: 40

Median household income for houses/condes with a mortgage: $55,625

Median household income for apartments without a mortgage: $24,583

Median monthly housing costs: $422

Rent paid by renters in 2009 in Pink Hill:
Less than $100: 5 people
$100 to $149: 0
$150 to $199: 11
$200 to $249: 0
$250 to $299: 4
$300 to $349: 0
$350 to $399: 14
$400 to $449: 11
$450 to $499: 0
$500 to $549: 9
$550 to $599: 3
$600 to $649: 0
$650 to $699: 0
$700 to $749: 0
$750 to $799: 0
$800 to $899: 0
$900 to $999: 2
$1,000 to $1,249: 4
$1,250 to $1,499: 0
$1,500 to $1,999: 0
$2,000 or more: 0
No cash rent: 9

Most common places of birth for the foreign-born residents (%):

Mexico (100%)

First ancestries reported:
Other groups: 186
United States or American: 103
English: 38
Irish: 19
Scotch-Irish: 9
Polish: 4
Scottish: 2
Swiss: 2
British: 1
German: 1

Place of birth for U.S.-born residents:
This state: 481
Northeast: 19
Midwest: 3
South: 22
West: 6
Median 2009 house value for:
White Non-Hispanic householders: $123,907
Black or African American householders: $57,506
Housing units in structures:
One, detached: 154
One, attached: 4
3 or 4: 3
5 to 9: 10
10 to 19: 2
Mobile homes: 62

Median worth of mobile homes: $60,000

Housing units lacking complete plumbing facilities: 3%

Housing units lacking complete kitchen facilities: 6%

House/condo owner moved in on average 29 years ago

Renter moved in on average 6 ears ago
Year Householders Moved Into Residence in Pink Hill:
08162432401999 to March 20001995 to 19981990 to 19941980 to 19891970 to 19791969 or earlier
White Non-Hispanic
Other Race
Hispanic or Latino
Most commonly used house heating fuel in houses and condos:
Electricity (44%)Wood (2%)Bottled, tank, or LP gas (40%)Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (14%)
Electricity (44%)
Bottled, tank, or LP gas (40%)
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (13%)
Wood (2%)
Most commonly used house heating fuel in apartments:
Electricity (50%)Other (4%)Bottled, tank, or LP gas (34%)Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (12%)
Electricity (50%)
Bottled, tank, or LP gas (34%)
Fuel oil, kerosene, etc. (12%)
Utility gas (2%)
Other fuel (2%)


Sale Creek, Tennessee TN Community Profile / Hamilton County, TN Data

Sale Creek, Tennessee TN Community Profile / Hamilton County, TN Data
Alternate Unofficial Names: Rock Creek, Salecreek.

Sale Creek is a community or populated place (Class Code U5) located in Hamilton County at latitude 35.382 and longitude -85.109 (Sale Creek Panoramio Photos). The elevation is 725 feet. Sale Creek appears on the Graysville U.S. Geological Survey Map. Hamilton County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5). Observes DST? Yes. Current Time. | Sale Creek, TN ZIP Code Maps

Sale Creek had a population of 0; a land area of 30.21 sq. miles; a water area of 2.48 sq. miles; and a population density of 0.00 people per sq. mile according to the US Census Bureaue estimate of July 1, 2009. Latest Census Estimates for all incorporated places in Tennessee.

Sale Creek, Tennessee TN Community Profile / Hamilton County, TN Data

Sale Creek, Tennessee TN Community Profile / Hamilton County, TN Data
Alternate Unofficial Names: Rock Creek, Salecreek.

Sale Creek is a community or populated place (Class Code U5) located in Hamilton County at latitude 35.382 and longitude -85.109 (Sale Creek Panoramio Photos). The elevation is 725 feet. Sale Creek appears on the Graysville U.S. Geological Survey Map. Hamilton County is in the Eastern time zone (GMT -5). Observes DST? Yes. Current Time. | Sale Creek, TN ZIP Code Maps

Sale Creek had a population of 0; a land area of 30.21 sq. miles; a water area of 2.48 sq. miles; and a population density of 0.00 people per sq. mile according to the US Census Bureaue estimate of July 1, 2009. Latest Census Estimates for all incorporated places in Tennessee.

Consumer complaints about Litton Loan Services

Consumer complaints about Litton Loan Services
Catherine of Pittsburgh, PA (12/11/06)
This is the second year that Litton is raising our mortgage due a supposed lack of escrow. I have found that they charged us for a city tax (and supposedly paid that tax to Pittsburgh) when we live in a suburb. Last year I had our tax collector talk with them and we thought it was all straightened out.

We cannot afford to have our mortgage payments go up willy-nilly just because of incompetence, and I really do not have the time to be on hold for 20 minutes at a time to try and resolve this issue every year.

Catherine of Pittsburgh, PA Dec. 11, 2006

Chad of Broussard, LA (11/13/06)
I'm living a nightmare since my loan was sold to Litton Loan service. My home will be sold if i don't come up with $8,211.

I've been calling everyday trying to talk to someone and I never get a call back. It's time that this company is dealt with.

Chad of Broussard, LA Nov. 13, 2006

Steven of Sisseton SD (11/10/06)
Litton is one poor company to work with and would advise to avoid. They purchased a second morgage from another company i had a loan with and now am paying them with a high interest rate. I fell behind on a payment and now they are threating to to forclose on me. I talked to me and they stated if was to send them so much dollars it would be caught up. I did and now all of a sudden that maoney was not used for payment but for late charges that were accured in ther past, one I never knew I had. So now I,m supposedly behind again. Now I,m getting these threating letters and I can not get in touch with them. They do not answer there 800 number or I'm put on hold forever, or just get hung up on. They hold second morgage a bank holds first, can they forclose on me with out confronting the bank who holds first morgage. These guys are really a pain.

read more http://www.consumeraffairs.com/finance/litton_loan.html

Consumer complaints about Litton Loan Services

Consumer complaints about Litton Loan Services
Catherine of Pittsburgh, PA (12/11/06)
This is the second year that Litton is raising our mortgage due a supposed lack of escrow. I have found that they charged us for a city tax (and supposedly paid that tax to Pittsburgh) when we live in a suburb. Last year I had our tax collector talk with them and we thought it was all straightened out.

We cannot afford to have our mortgage payments go up willy-nilly just because of incompetence, and I really do not have the time to be on hold for 20 minutes at a time to try and resolve this issue every year.

Catherine of Pittsburgh, PA Dec. 11, 2006

Chad of Broussard, LA (11/13/06)
I'm living a nightmare since my loan was sold to Litton Loan service. My home will be sold if i don't come up with $8,211.

I've been calling everyday trying to talk to someone and I never get a call back. It's time that this company is dealt with.

Chad of Broussard, LA Nov. 13, 2006

Steven of Sisseton SD (11/10/06)
Litton is one poor company to work with and would advise to avoid. They purchased a second morgage from another company i had a loan with and now am paying them with a high interest rate. I fell behind on a payment and now they are threating to to forclose on me. I talked to me and they stated if was to send them so much dollars it would be caught up. I did and now all of a sudden that maoney was not used for payment but for late charges that were accured in ther past, one I never knew I had. So now I,m supposedly behind again. Now I,m getting these threating letters and I can not get in touch with them. They do not answer there 800 number or I'm put on hold forever, or just get hung up on. They hold second morgage a bank holds first, can they forclose on me with out confronting the bank who holds first morgage. These guys are really a pain.

read more http://www.consumeraffairs.com/finance/litton_loan.html

Swafford Cemetery Rd Georgetown TN 37336 - Public Property Records Search - Realtor.com®

251 Swafford Cemetery Rd Georgetown TN 37336 - Public Property Records Search - Realtor.com®
Property Information for 251 Swafford Cemetery Rd
Property Features Financial History
Single Family Residence
Year Built: 2006
3 Bedrooms
3.50 Bathrooms
Approximately 2,373 Sq Ft
Lot size: 226,512 Sq Ft
Stories: 2
County: Bradley
Heating type: Heating & Cooling
Roof type: Composition Shingle
Parking: Garage
Source: Public Records Last sold for $316,000 on 5/14/2008
Last assessed at $80,200 on 2009

Previous sales
$316,000 on 5/14/2008

Previous assessments
$80,200 on 2009
$61,200 on 2008
$7,875 on 2007
Source: Public Records

Type Grades GreatSchools Rating Parent Rating
Cedar Ridge Sda School Private K - 8

Other Property Information for 251 Swafford Cemetery RdWith regards to information for 251 Swafford Cemetery Rd, your search ends here. Check with public property records today and get all the necessary property details such as what year it was built, how many bedrooms and bathrooms it has, and what the approximate square footage is. At present, 251 Swafford Cemetery Rd is not for sale, but there are many properties available for sale in Georgetown, TN. Find out the list of similar Georgetown homes for sale from Realtor®, the online forerunner for real estate.

251 Swafford Cemetery Rd Georgetown TN 37336
Single Family Residence, 3 Bed, 3.50 Bath, 2373 Sq. Ft


Beds 3 bed Baths 3 bath
House Size 4100 sq ft Lot Size 5.20 Acres
Estimated Value Not Available Value/sqft Not Available
Property Type single family home Year Built 2006
Neighborhood Not Available Style ranch
Stories Not Available

May 31, 2011 Estimated Value Not Available
Property values provided are estimates only and are based on available public records data. No warranties or guarantees are made regarding the accuracy of any estimated values, and estimated values should not be relied on or used for appraisal purposes.

Other Homes on Swafford Cemetery Rd

290 Swafford Cemetery Road
4 Bed,5 Bath,4434 Sq Ft
251 Swafford Cemetery Road
3 Bed,4 Bath,2373 Sq Ft
251 Swafford Cemetery Rd
3 Bed,3 Bath,4100 Sq Ft
190 Swafford Cemetery Road
3 Bed,3 Bath,2312 Sq Ft
101 Swafford Cemetery Rd
3 Bed,3 Bath,2870 Sq Ft
Swafford Cemetery Rd
Bed, Bath, Sq Ft

(youTube video here)
LOOKING FOR A HOME WITH EVERYTHING??? 4100 Sq. Ft. with full finished basement with its own driveway and entrance, great room, game room, full eat in kitchen, bath, office, lots of storage and storm shelter. Main floor offers kitchen with granite and plenty of cabinets, laundry room, screen porch, large new deck .Finished bonus room upstairs. Living room has custom built entertainment center, cathedral ceilings and enterance.
LOOKING FOR A HOME WITH EVERYTHING??? 4100 Sq. Ft. with full finished basement with its own driveway and entrance, great room, game room, full eat in kitchen, bath, office, lots of storage and storm shelter. Main floor offers kitchen with granite and plenty of cabinets, laundry room, screen porch, large new deck .Finished bonus room upstairs. Living room has custom built entertainment center, cathedral ceilings and enterance foyer.

(I'd live there.)

Swafford Cemetery Rd Georgetown TN 37336 - Public Property Records Search - Realtor.com®

251 Swafford Cemetery Rd Georgetown TN 37336 - Public Property Records Search - Realtor.com®
Property Information for 251 Swafford Cemetery Rd
Property Features Financial History
Single Family Residence
Year Built: 2006
3 Bedrooms
3.50 Bathrooms
Approximately 2,373 Sq Ft
Lot size: 226,512 Sq Ft
Stories: 2
County: Bradley
Heating type: Heating & Cooling
Roof type: Composition Shingle
Parking: Garage
Source: Public Records Last sold for $316,000 on 5/14/2008
Last assessed at $80,200 on 2009

Previous sales
$316,000 on 5/14/2008

Previous assessments
$80,200 on 2009
$61,200 on 2008
$7,875 on 2007
Source: Public Records

Type Grades GreatSchools Rating Parent Rating
Cedar Ridge Sda School Private K - 8

Other Property Information for 251 Swafford Cemetery RdWith regards to information for 251 Swafford Cemetery Rd, your search ends here. Check with public property records today and get all the necessary property details such as what year it was built, how many bedrooms and bathrooms it has, and what the approximate square footage is. At present, 251 Swafford Cemetery Rd is not for sale, but there are many properties available for sale in Georgetown, TN. Find out the list of similar Georgetown homes for sale from Realtor®, the online forerunner for real estate.

251 Swafford Cemetery Rd Georgetown TN 37336
Single Family Residence, 3 Bed, 3.50 Bath, 2373 Sq. Ft


Beds 3 bed Baths 3 bath
House Size 4100 sq ft Lot Size 5.20 Acres
Estimated Value Not Available Value/sqft Not Available
Property Type single family home Year Built 2006
Neighborhood Not Available Style ranch
Stories Not Available

May 31, 2011 Estimated Value Not Available
Property values provided are estimates only and are based on available public records data. No warranties or guarantees are made regarding the accuracy of any estimated values, and estimated values should not be relied on or used for appraisal purposes.

Other Homes on Swafford Cemetery Rd

290 Swafford Cemetery Road
4 Bed,5 Bath,4434 Sq Ft
251 Swafford Cemetery Road
3 Bed,4 Bath,2373 Sq Ft
251 Swafford Cemetery Rd
3 Bed,3 Bath,4100 Sq Ft
190 Swafford Cemetery Road
3 Bed,3 Bath,2312 Sq Ft
101 Swafford Cemetery Rd
3 Bed,3 Bath,2870 Sq Ft
Swafford Cemetery Rd
Bed, Bath, Sq Ft

(youTube video here)
LOOKING FOR A HOME WITH EVERYTHING??? 4100 Sq. Ft. with full finished basement with its own driveway and entrance, great room, game room, full eat in kitchen, bath, office, lots of storage and storm shelter. Main floor offers kitchen with granite and plenty of cabinets, laundry room, screen porch, large new deck .Finished bonus room upstairs. Living room has custom built entertainment center, cathedral ceilings and enterance.
LOOKING FOR A HOME WITH EVERYTHING??? 4100 Sq. Ft. with full finished basement with its own driveway and entrance, great room, game room, full eat in kitchen, bath, office, lots of storage and storm shelter. Main floor offers kitchen with granite and plenty of cabinets, laundry room, screen porch, large new deck .Finished bonus room upstairs. Living room has custom built entertainment center, cathedral ceilings and enterance foyer.

(I'd live there.)

Fort Hill Cemetery

Because of Fort Hill's commanding views of the city of Cleveland as well as the railroad and adjacent turnpikes, invading Union troops occupied the cemetery during the War Between the States. Fort Hill also contains the graves of several notable local citizens who played significant roles in Bradley County's history during the War Between the States and Reconstruction. These include Confederate diarist Myra Inman Carter, Union Colonel Spencer Boyd and Judge Levi Trewhitt.

The most somber spot in the cemetery is a mass grave of 270 unknown Confederate soldiers.


Fort Hill Cemetery

Because of Fort Hill's commanding views of the city of Cleveland as well as the railroad and adjacent turnpikes, invading Union troops occupied the cemetery during the War Between the States. Fort Hill also contains the graves of several notable local citizens who played significant roles in Bradley County's history during the War Between the States and Reconstruction. These include Confederate diarist Myra Inman Carter, Union Colonel Spencer Boyd and Judge Levi Trewhitt.

The most somber spot in the cemetery is a mass grave of 270 unknown Confederate soldiers.


Coffins, Caskets, Dome Caskets Training Workshop Courses, Manufacturing | Start your own coffin and casket manufacturing business!

Coffins, Caskets, Dome Caskets Training Workshop Courses, Manufacturing | Start your own coffin and casket manufacturing business!

(There's always money in this, true, but as a franchis is it a good idea? Would it encourage a lack of safety?)


If you’ve been looking around for a business that’s a great investment with great returns, then you should consider starting your own coffin and casket business.

The coffin-building industry is probably one of the most lucrative (but under-staffed) industries in South Africa today. With the HIV epidemic still spreading at an alarming rate, mortality rates are only going to continue to rise.

Don’t be put off by this morbid topic; it’s a hot business idea precisely because many entrepreneurs shy away from the fact that all humans die, sooner or later. Someone must make the coffins and caskets. Someone must bury the dead. There’s a shortage of affordable coffins in South Africa – here’s how you can profit and also the way in which you can offer a much-needed service to your community.

We offer Training in Coffin, Casket and Dome Casket Manufacturing. The training will empower you with all the knowledge and everything you need to know to make the products, run the business, and do the marketing of your business. You will physically make a small coffin and dome casket at the Workshop. Everything that you make is yours to take home.

It is possible that you would like to attend the training, but that you are not able to take leave to do the training in person. That is not a problem. We will provide you with a DIY Home Study Kit.

This DIY Home Study Kit is equal to the Coffin, Casket and Dome Casket Manufacturing Workshop. EVERYTHING that people receive when they attend the workshop, you will also receive and more! Because you cannot physically be at the workshop, we bring the workshop to you with 4 Video’s on CD that will show you exactly what happened at the workshop in full detail. It covers the whole production process of Coffins, ordinary Caskets and Dome Caskets.

Whether you attend a Coffin and Casket Workshop or purchase a Coffin and Casket DIY Home Study Kit, you will receive, in English or Afrikaans a Manufacturing manual and a Marketing Manual, as well as the templates needed to make the products.

We want to make sure that we increase your ability to be successful. We know that you cannot possibly develop the comprehensive skills and confidence that you need to put into practice all that we cover during the workshops and DIY Package. This is why we offer you 12 months ongoing support in the form of telephonic mentorship.

To the people who purchased a Coffin and Casket DIY Home Study Package, we offer the opportunity to upgrade the package by paying the extra money and then attending a Workshop. This gives you the opportunity to save money by first trying the Coffin and Casket Home Study Package. If it does not work for you, you upgrade and attend the Workshop within 3 months from purchasing the Home Study Package.

The most appealing part is you get to choose your own business’s name and keep all the profits – no need to pay royalties!

Surely this is the best investment that you can possibly make to ensure that you learn how to start and operate this business quickly

We will not do the work for you, but we will support you by answering your questions, advise you on best practice, and share our experience about various aspects of owning and running a coffin and casket manufacturing business.


Coffins, Caskets, Dome Caskets Training Workshop Courses, Manufacturing | Start your own coffin and casket manufacturing business!

Coffins, Caskets, Dome Caskets Training Workshop Courses, Manufacturing | Start your own coffin and casket manufacturing business!

(There's always money in this, true, but as a franchis is it a good idea? Would it encourage a lack of safety?)


If you’ve been looking around for a business that’s a great investment with great returns, then you should consider starting your own coffin and casket business.

The coffin-building industry is probably one of the most lucrative (but under-staffed) industries in South Africa today. With the HIV epidemic still spreading at an alarming rate, mortality rates are only going to continue to rise.

Don’t be put off by this morbid topic; it’s a hot business idea precisely because many entrepreneurs shy away from the fact that all humans die, sooner or later. Someone must make the coffins and caskets. Someone must bury the dead. There’s a shortage of affordable coffins in South Africa – here’s how you can profit and also the way in which you can offer a much-needed service to your community.

We offer Training in Coffin, Casket and Dome Casket Manufacturing. The training will empower you with all the knowledge and everything you need to know to make the products, run the business, and do the marketing of your business. You will physically make a small coffin and dome casket at the Workshop. Everything that you make is yours to take home.

It is possible that you would like to attend the training, but that you are not able to take leave to do the training in person. That is not a problem. We will provide you with a DIY Home Study Kit.

This DIY Home Study Kit is equal to the Coffin, Casket and Dome Casket Manufacturing Workshop. EVERYTHING that people receive when they attend the workshop, you will also receive and more! Because you cannot physically be at the workshop, we bring the workshop to you with 4 Video’s on CD that will show you exactly what happened at the workshop in full detail. It covers the whole production process of Coffins, ordinary Caskets and Dome Caskets.

Whether you attend a Coffin and Casket Workshop or purchase a Coffin and Casket DIY Home Study Kit, you will receive, in English or Afrikaans a Manufacturing manual and a Marketing Manual, as well as the templates needed to make the products.

We want to make sure that we increase your ability to be successful. We know that you cannot possibly develop the comprehensive skills and confidence that you need to put into practice all that we cover during the workshops and DIY Package. This is why we offer you 12 months ongoing support in the form of telephonic mentorship.

To the people who purchased a Coffin and Casket DIY Home Study Package, we offer the opportunity to upgrade the package by paying the extra money and then attending a Workshop. This gives you the opportunity to save money by first trying the Coffin and Casket Home Study Package. If it does not work for you, you upgrade and attend the Workshop within 3 months from purchasing the Home Study Package.

The most appealing part is you get to choose your own business’s name and keep all the profits – no need to pay royalties!

Surely this is the best investment that you can possibly make to ensure that you learn how to start and operate this business quickly

We will not do the work for you, but we will support you by answering your questions, advise you on best practice, and share our experience about various aspects of owning and running a coffin and casket manufacturing business.


How do caskets preserve a body? | Answerbag

How do caskets preserve a body? | Answerbag
by Kim Norton on April 29th, 2010
Professionally Researched. (What's this?)

A casket is another name for a coffin---the rectangular funerary box built to enclose and offer protection to a corpse. Caskets are made from many different materials including various types of wood, metal, fiberglass and even bamboo.

Preservation Claims
Many casket manufacturers, according to a Funeral Caskets Guide, claim their product protects and preserves an embalmed body from decomposition for a period of time, especially caskets which are designed to be leak proof and airtight.

Protective Caskets
These airtight and leak proof caskets, also known as sealed, or "protective" caskets, are designed to preserve the body from the elements and the effects of "natural" decomposition. However, while a sealed casket can preserve a body from air, water and dirt for a period of time, it will not preserve against eventual decomposition, according to the Funeral Caskets Guide.

Anaerobic Decomposition
A body in a sealed casket will still decompose over time. This type of decomposition is caused by the anaerobic (non-oxygen) bacteria that occur naturally within any sealed casket, according to the Funeral Caskets Guide.

Funeral Rule
The Federal Trade Commission issued an April 30, 1984 ruling called the Funeral Rule. The Funeral Rule regulates the funeral industry and helps consumers get accurate information on industry practices, including preservation claims about funeral caskets.

Casket Ruling
According to the FTC Rule, funeral providers cannot claim a body will not decompose or be preserved for an indefinite period due to specific funeral practices, including type of casket. The Rule also prohibits claims that any casket is totally impervious to water, air or dirt.

Burial Vault
One type of protection is offered by burial vaults---concrete, metal or plastic containers which enclose the casket, according to a Consumer's Guide to Burial Vaults. While vaults do not preserve the body, they do preserve the casket from caving in under the pressure of earth.

Funeral Caskets: Guide on Funeral Caskets

Federal Trade Commission: Funeral Rule

Federal Trade Commission: Funeral Rule Information for Businesses

A Consumer's Guide to Burial Vaults

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