Monday, June 13, 2011 Hendricks The landlord rating website
Rodney Hendricks
Created By:
04/16/2011 05:40PM

Beware, this man will lease you the worst code-violating apartment in State College! If the previous owner had a pet they likely had 20 because he is the only one to not enforce pet laws. There will be urine stains all over your carpet. Turn off the lights and turn on a black light. They are there like giant polka dots on a sun dress. It will be drafty. There will be cracks in wall seams. The roof will likely leak. The wooden windows will be nailed down and sealed up because they're rotting on the outside and need replaced. If you're lucky, (like me) there will be a gapping hole in the wall where the chimney was torn down and rain's been leaking in and has caused the drywall to separate in the corner. You will go through 100 gallons of oil for heating about 800 sq ft IN ONE MONTH. There is little insulation, probably due to the squirrels and bats that nest in the attic. (Its not just me, my dog hears them too.) If your stove breaks (like mine) they will not replace it for two months or more. When they do, he will increase your rent. Finally, your floorboards will creak, your basement will flood when it rains, you will go through six power strips due to old faulty wiring, your cheap fire alarms will sound without reason, and your electric bill will be ungodly expensive ($150/mo on the level payment plan). What does he do with all the rent money he does not reinvest???? Buys and snorts cocaine.


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