Monday, November 10, 2008

Going into niches

In another life, I would certainly think hard about selecting a few niches domains and turn specialist in very much restricted areas. After a stint in medical interpretation that was aborted after three years - it could come back though - I have had no clues that going on into medical would make any professional gains and merits here in Japan. Until this evening call from abroad I won't say a word about, except that it suggests there are over there and down there unexpected niches I could not have fathomed about, granted there are clear signs that there lays a market, not a single opportunity and gone, but chances of reiterated requests which would justify to delve again into specialized literature and dip back into the medical pool. I am starting though to listen again to the New England Journal of Medicine podcast. A single call from an unexpected domain of activities shows how thriving the world of business is, and the need to have antennas. And yes, although not ringing and at times ringing but for nothing, inquiries are trickling in, slowly but more than let say 3 years ago. And the famously funny side of it, even if work is scarce these days, that is starting this month with the money crunch, some of these potential clients who, based on their web site would perfectly qualify to inquire for an interpreter through agencies here in Japan are just not doing so. Instead, they google, and fucked are the agencies by so doing. And I won't shed a tear on them. Long live the googling prospects querying the Internet to deal direct with an interpreter.

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